Anak tunagrahita memiliki intelektual di bawah rata-rata sehingga anak mengalami hambatan dalam bidang akademik. Salah satu hambatan yang dialami anak tunagrahita yaitu dalam mengenal anggota tubuh tanpa memahami fungsinya secara baik.Dalam penelitian ini kemampuan mengenal anggota tubuh anak tunagrahita dapat berpengaruh melalui model pembelajaran langsung bermedia tiga dimensi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh model pembelajaran langsung bermedia tiga dimensi untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA pada anak tunagrahita di SLB Siti Hajar Sidoarjo.
Rancangan penelitian menggunakan The one group, pretest-post test design jenis Pre Experiment. Jumlah subjek penelitian sebanyak 8 anak tunagrahita. Rata-rata hasil pre-test 37,8 dan rata-rata hasil post-test 68,25 dengan pemberian intervensi sebanyak 6 kali. Simpulan hasil penelitian H nol (H0) ditolak dan hipotesis kerja diterima, Z Hitung (Zh) = 2,32 lebih besar dari Z Tabel (Zt) = 1,96 dengan α = 5%. Berarti terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran langsung bermedia tiga dimensi untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar ipa pada anak tunagrahita.
Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Langsung, Tiga Dimensi, Hasil Belajar IPA
Mentally retarded children have intellectuals below average so children experience obstacles in the academic field. One obstacle experienced by mentally retarded children is knowing their limbs without understanding their functions properly. In this study the ability to recognize the body members of mentally retarded children can be influential through a direct learning model with three-dimensional media. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is an influence of the three-dimensional direct learning media model to improve science learning outcomes for mentally retarded children in SLB SitiHajarSidoarjo.
The design of the study used The One Group, the pretest-post test design type Pre Experiment. The number of research subjects was 8 mentally retarded children. The average pre-test results were 37.8 and the post-test results were 68.25 with the intervention of 6 times. The conclusion of the H zero (H0) research results is rejected and the working hypothesis is accepted, Z Calculate (Zh) = 2.32 greater than Z Table (Zt) = 1.96 with α = 5%. This means that there is the influence of the three-dimensional direct learning media model to improve learning outcomes for children in childbirth.
Keywords: Direct, Three-dimensional Learning Model Science Learning Outcomes