Suwarno, 2020.
The Role Of The Kelompok Kerja Guru (KKG) In
Implementing Lesson study To Improve The Performance Of Elementary School
Teachers. Thesis, Educational Management Study Program, Surabaya State
University Postgraduate Program. Advisors (1) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M.Pd, and 2) Dr. Eni
Wuryani, SE, M.Sc, CMA.
working groups; implementation of lesson studies; elementary teacher
Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers
article 20 paragraph (b) mandates that to carry out their professional duties,
teachers are obliged to continuously improve and develop academic
qualifications and competencies in accordance with the development of science,
technology, and art (Undang‐undang
Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005). The existence of this law is expected
to provide the right opportunity to improve its professionalism through
training, writing scientific papers, Kelompok Kerja Guru (KKG) and Musyawarah
Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP).
This research
uses a qualitative approach. The informants used in this study were the
teachers who were members of the Kelompok Kerja Guru Cluster 2, Duduksampeyan
Regency, Gresik Regency who implemented the 2013 curriculum. The technique of
taking research informants conducted in this study was using non probability
sampling. Non-probability sampling techniques used in this study were purposive
sampling and snowball sampling. Kelompok Kerja Guru are also forums or places
that can be used to foster and enhance the professionalism of elementary school
teachers (Depdiknas, 1997: 46).
KKG has benefits
including as a place to accommodate and solve problems faced by teachers in
teaching and learning activities, discussions, examples of teaching,
demonstration of the use and manufacture of teaching aids (Alwi, 2009). Based
on the discussion of research findings about the role of the Teacher Working
Group (KKG) in implementing learning to improve the performance of elementary
school teachers, there can be some conclusions that the role of the Kelompok
Kerja Guru in carrying out the stages of Lesson study activities has been
effective because the KKG can provide understanding, guidance, goals, and
benefits of Lesson study.