The Role of Job Crafting as a Mediator of Learning Goal Orientation and Work Engagement
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran job crafting sebagai mediasi antara learning goal orientation terhadap work engagement. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 51 karyawan PT. Boma Bisma Indra (Persero) Surabaya. Analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Model dengan bantuan program SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) ada pengaruh positif yang signifikan dari learning goal orientation terhadap work engagement, dengan nilai t-statistik 3,432; (2) ada pengaruh positif yang signifikan dari learning goal orientation terhadap job crafting, dengan nilai t-statistik 8,234; (3) ada pengaruh positif signifikan job crafting terhadap work engagement dengan nilai t-statistik 4,931; (4) job crafting memediasi pengaruh learning goal orientation terhadap work engagement, dengan nilai t-statistik sebesar 3,987 maka hipotesis diterima.
This study aims to determine the role of job crafting as a mediation between learning goal orientation towards work engagement. This research is a quantitative study using a questionnaire method. The sample in this study was 51 employees of PT. Boma Bisma Indra (Persero) Surabaya. Data analysis used Structural Equation Model with the help of the SmartPLS 3.0 program. The results in this study indicate: (1) there is a significant positive effect of learning goal orientation on work engagement, with the t-statistics value of 3,432; (2) there is a significant positive effect of learning goal orientation on job crafting, with the t-statistics value of 8.234; (3) there is a significant positive effect of job crafting on work engagement with the t-statistic value of 4,931; (4) job crafting mediates the effect of learning goal orientation on work engagement, with the t-statistics value of 3,987 then the hypothesis was accepted.