Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui taggapan guru dan siswa sebelum pangembangan, kelayakan mobile learning, dan efektivitas mobile learning melalui pemanfaatan virtual reality berbasis android pada kompetensi hasil belajar IPS di kelas IV SD Muhammadiyah 10 Surabava. Peneliti mengganakan jenis penelitian R&D dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Metode penelitian yarg digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, angket, dokumentasi, dan tes. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji kelayakan media dari ahli materi dan ahli media serta untuk keefektifan mobile learning dilakukan uji validitas, homogenitas, normalitas, reliabilitas, dan uji t. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan pengembangan mobile learning dengan pemanfaatan virtual reality berbasis android dibutuhkan oleh guru dan siswa, kelayakan produk media pembelajaran diperoleh hasil sangat layak dari ahli materi dan ahli media, media yang telah dikembangkan ini efektit karena berdasarkan analisa statistik ada beda antara pre-test dan post-test kelas media mobile learning Ada beda antara post-test kelas media mobile learning dan post-test kelas power point dan buku.
Kata Kunci: Mobile Learning, Virtual Reality, Android
This study aims to determine the responses of teachers and students before the development, the feasibility of mobile learning, and the effectiveness of mobile learning through the use of android-based virtual reality on social studies learning competencies in 4th grade Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya Elementary School. The researcher uses R&D research type with the ADDIE development model. The research methods used were observation, interviews,questionnaires, documentation, and tests. The analysis technique in this study uses a media feasibility test from material experts and media experts and for the effectiveness of mobile learning the validity, homogeneity, normality, reliability, and t test are conducted. The results of this study stated that the development of mobile learning with the use of Android-based virtual reality is very needed to be used in learning forteachers and students, the feasibility of learning media products obtained very decent results from material experts and media experts, this developed media is effective because it is based on Statistical analysis is different between pre-test and post-test in mobile learning media classes. There is a difference between the mobile learning media post-testclass and the power point and book post-test class.
Keywords: Mobile Learning, Virtual Reality, Android