Ruwat Temanten Tradition (TRT) is one of the
traditions that is still believed and carried out by some Javanese people who
have beliefs about their ancestors, also have a wish to be given salvation by
the Almighty. TRT held in Claket village includes half-oral folklore. The
formulation of the problems in this study are: 1) How did TRT start, 2) The
series of events in TRT, 3) Ubarampe and its meaning in TRT, 4) What functions
are in TRT, 5) Conservation efforts in TRT. The benefit of this research is to
increase public knowledge and insight about TRT, as well as a form of
documentation for the community so that they can clearly learn about Javanese
culture and preserve it. In this study using a qualitative descriptive method.
Techniques for collecting data by means of interviews, observation, and
documentation. Research instrument in the form of researchers, list of
questions, observation sheets. To analyze the data with the interpretation of
the data.
results of this study are that there are several important stages in TRT,
namely preparing for the day, preparing for ubarampe, the ruwat procession in
TRT, thanksgiving in TRT. The kinds of ubarampe needed are offerings, cok akan,
setaman flowers, incense, mori cloth, keris, jarik sidomukti, tumpeng sewu,
nutmeg pendhem, jenang sengkala, snacks from the market. The function of TRT is
as a means of paying homage to ancestors and also as a means of asking for
requests from God the Almighty, and to make people aware that they must
remember where they came from, to give alms as a form of gratitude from humans
to their God. In the world of education, it can be used as a learning tool for
various Javanese cultures and has good meaning, not occult or mystical, because
some people who don't know much about Javanese culture, they consider this culture
to be mystical or magical. Means of strengthening social harmony, especially
towards neighbors, because in reality humans are social beings who cannot live
alone, so they must live together and provide help to fellow human beings,
preserving the diverse Javanese culture and traditions, of course, have meaning
and good benefits for society. who carry it out, but over time, it is rare for
people to carry out this tradition and some Javanese culture has been
recognized by other countries, therefore Javanese people must preserve culture
and have extensive knowledge about Javanese culture which includes heritage
from their ancestors.
efforts in TRT namely, the government must be able to introduce and promote
this tradition not only in its area, but also in other areas so that it is
easier for people to learn Javanese culture and traditions, and also so that it
can develop more widely. Through schools it is hoped that they can give
practical assignments related to Javanese culture, if in society it is
necessary to understand the importance of Javanese culture so that they can
increase knowledge about their traditions so that they are not lost and taken
over by other countries. There must also be cultural changes in this TRT, as in
ancient times, the ruwat interpreters still used Javanese spells and prayers,
but nowadays there are already some Islamic prayers and they are combined with
Javanese prayers. Tumpeng in ancient times was still one with the fish, but
nowadays it has been separated to make it more practical, and also the food
containers used in ancient times still used wooden winnowing cups, but now they
use plastic because there are many factories that produce various types of
food. kinds of goods that are made more practical. As well as the
implementation stage in ancient times the people of Claket Village still
carried out the ruwatan tradition in various patirtans, and now the ruwat
tradition is only carried out in the Patirtan of Claket village but can still
get the same blessings as the previous tradition
Keywords: Culture, Tradition, Ruwat Temanten,