Evaluasi Program Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) Tema Kearifan Lokal Pada Kelas 7 di UPT SMPN 7 Gresik
Program Evaluation of the Project to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students (P5) on the Theme of Local Wisdom in Grade 7 at UPT SMPN 7 Gresik
Penelitian bertujuan untuk memahami, menelaah, juga mendeskripsikan secara menyeluruh terkait evaluasi program P5 tema kearifan lokal pada kelas 7 di UPT SMPN 7 Gresik. Jenis penelitian yakni evaluasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP. Sumber data penelitian yakni kepala sekolah, waka kurikulum, koordinator program P5 kelas 7, guru dan peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara semi-terstruktur, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan yakni kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Uji keabsahan data yang digunakan yakni uji kredibilitas (triangulasi sumber dan teknik, member check), uji transferabilitas, uji dependabilitas, dan uji konfirmabilitas.
Hasil penelitian yaitu 1) Evaluasi konteks melihat dasar program yakni kesiapan sekolah dengan keberadaan guru berkompeten dan memperhatikan kebutuhan peserta didik; visi misi sekolah selaras dengan tujuan P5; kurikulum merdeka dengan PBL dalam bentuk P5 guna mengembangkan kompetensi dan karakter sesuai profil pelajar Pancasila. 2) Evaluasi input melihat pendukung program yakni SDM tim P5 berupa koordinator dan fasilitator; sarana prasarana P5 disesuaikan kebutuhan tema; biaya P5 masuk ke dalam anggaran kegiatan pengembangan PBL (termasuk P5) dari BOS APBN 2023/2024; prosedur P5 dilaksanakan tiga kali dalam setahun dengan memilih tema, 3) Evaluasi proses melihat pelaksanaan P5 yakni proses pembelajaran sesuai tema dengan mengangkat isu atau permasalahan dan pemberian solusi; proses pembelajaran terdiri dari tahap pengenalan, kontekstualisasi, aksi nyata, refleksi dan tindak lanjut, 4) Evaluasi produk melihat kendala kurangnya pemahaman guru terkait P5, ketidaktepatan jadwal, dan sarana prasarana yang kurang memadai serta hasil keseluruhan dimensi P5 telah tercapai dan target pencapaian mencapai 85 hingga 95 persen.
Kata Kunci : Evaluasi Program, Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila, CIPP, Kearifan Lokal.
The research aims to understand, examine, and also describe thoroughly the evaluation of the P5 program on the theme of local wisdom in grade 7 at UPT SMPN 7 Gresik. The type of research is evaluation with a qualitative approach using the CIPP evaluation model. The sources of research data are the principal, the head of curriculum, the coordinator of the grade 7 P5 program, teachers and students. Data collection techniques were semi-structured interviews, observation, and documentation studies. Data analysis used is data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The data validity test used is the credibility test (triangulation of sources and techniques, member check), transferability test, dependability test, and confirmability test.
The results of the study are 1) Context evaluation looks at the basis of the program, namely school readiness with the presence of competent teachers and paying attention to the needs of students; the school’s vision and mission are in line with the objectives of P5; independent curriculum with PBL in the form of P5 to develop competencies and characters according to the profile of Pancasila students. 2) Input evaluation looks at program supporters, namely P5 team human resources in the form of coordinators and facilitators; P5 infrastructure facilities are tailored to theme needs; P5 costs are included in the PBL development activity budget (including P5) from the 2023/2024 State Budget BOS; P5 procedures are carried out three times a year by choosing a theme, 3) Process evaluation sees the implementation of P5, namely the learning process according to the theme by raising issues or problems and providing solutions; the learning process consists of the introduction, contextualization, real action, reflection and follow-up stages, 4) Product evaluation sees obstacles in the lack of understanding of teachers related to P5, inaccurate schedules, and inadequate infrastructure and the overall results of the P5 dimensions have been achieved and the achievement target reaches 85 to 95 percent.