Setiawan. Dj., 2019. SEA-MEA (Self Efficacy Academic-Means Ends Analysis ) Model for Training Sains Problem Solving Skills of Junior High School
Students. A Dissertation, Department of Science Education,
Postgraduate Program University of Surabaya. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Budi Jatmiko, M.Pd and Co-Promotor: Dr. Wasis, M.Si.
skills are necessary competencies to be able to contribute and survive in the
era of the 21st century. This study aims at creating a valid, practical, and
effective learning model to improve problem solving skills. The SEA-MEA
learning model developed consist of 5 syntaxes, namely: 1) reactualization, 2)
identification the problem, 3) derivated goal to sub-goal, 4) execute the solve
sub-goal and finished problem, 5) reflect the problem situation and the
thingking procces. This study is
Research and Development (R & D) type with development method using of
Borg and Gall is developed to the goal and objectives of SEA-MEA model. Data
collection was conducted through observation, test, documentation, and
interview. Then, the data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative and
qualitative methods. Feasibility level of SEA-MEA model was determined based on
group discussion , expert
validation test and model implementation test. This study used one-group-posttest design as the design test model .
The model implementation test was carried out for seventh-grade students of
Junior High School 21 Surabaya as many as 52 students and Junior High School 1 Sidayu
Gresik as many as 54 students. The results showed that 1) SEA-MEA model was
valid in terms of (a) content validity, in which there is a novelty element and
construct validity, in which there is a consistency among parts of the model,
and there is also a consistency between the developed models and the underlying
learning theory, (b) learning tools are valid, so that they can be used to
support the implementation of the SEA-MEA model; 2) SEA-MEA model is practical
in terms of (a) implementation of SEA-MEA model with good criteria, (b)
students are active in learning natural science using SEA-MEA model; 3) SEA-MEA
model is effective in terms of (a) improving problem solving skills, (b) improving
self efficacy (c) students provide a
positive response to learning using SEA-MEA model. Thus, it can be concluded
that the SEA-MEA model developed is valid, practical, and effective to train
students’ problem solving skills.
SEA-MEA model, problem solving, academic
self efficacy, means ends analysis