Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membuat materi ajar Online yang layak dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran Course Networking pada mata pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika di SMKN 2 Surabaya. Kelayakan materi ajar Online ditinjau dari tingkat hasil kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model Research and Development (R&D), dengan menggunakan uji coba produk dari one group pretest posttest design.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kevalidan RPP, materi ajar Online, Lembar Penilaian (LP sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan), experiment sheet, media pembelajaran Course Networking, lembar angket respon peserta didik, dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran mendapatkan nilai dari validator dengan rerata total sebesar 3,52 sehingga dapat dinyatakan tingkat kevalidan materi ajar Online memiliki kriteria sangat valid.
Tingkat kepraktisan materi ajar Online ditinjau dari respon peserta didik diperoleh hasil 80,36 % dan keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran diperoleh hasil 3,71 sehingga dapat dinyatakan tingkat kepraktisan materi ajar Online memiliki kriteria sangat praktis.
Tingkat keefektifan ditinjau dari hasil belajar sikap menunjukkan rerata hasil belajar seluruh peserta didik pada ranah sikap di atas KKM (75). Hasil belajar pada ranah pengetahuan diperoleh dari uji one sample t-test dengan hasil nilai posttest di atas KKM (75) dan uji paired sample t-test dengan hasil ada peningkatan pencapaian hasil belajar pada ranah pengetahuan peserta didik sebelum dan sesudah diberikan materi ajar Online. Hasil belajar keterampilan diperoleh dari uji one sample t-test dengan hasil nilai belajar pada ranah keterampilan di atas KKM (75). Berdasarkan hasil analisis hasil belajar sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan dapat dinyatakan tingkat keefektifan materi ajar Online memiliki kriteria sangat efektif.
Kata Kunci: Materi ajar Online, Course Networking, hasil belajar, dan kelayakan.
The purpose of this research is to make appropriate Online teaching materials using Course Networking learning media in the Basic of Electricity and Electronics subject at SMKN 2 Surabaya. The eligibility of Online teaching materials is reviewed by the terms of the validity level, practicality, and effectiveness.
The kind of the research that is used is a development research with the Research and Development (R&D) model, using product trials from one group pretest posttest design.
The results showed that the validity level of lesson plans, Online teaching materials, assessment sheets (LP attitudes, knowledge, and skills), experiment sheets, Course Networking learning media, student questionnaire response sheets, and observation sheets of the implementation of the learning process get the value from the validator with the total average is 3,52 so that it can be stated the level of validity of Online teaching materials has valid criteria.
The practicality level of Online teaching materials is viewed by the response of the students obtained as 80,36% and the feasibility of the learning process obtained as 3,71 so that it can be stated that the practicality level of Online teaching materials has practical criteria.
The level of effectiveness in the terms of attitude learning outcomes shows the learning outcomes average of all students in the attitude aspect gets above the KKM (75). Knowledge learning outcomes were obtained from the one sample t-test with the results of the posttest score above KKM (75) and paired sample t-test with the results that there was an increase in the achievement of students learning outcomes before and after being given Online teaching materials. Skill learning outcomes are obtained from the one sample t-test test with the results in the aspect of skills get above the KKM (75). Based on the results of the learning outcomes attitudes, knowledge, and skills analysis, it can be stated that the level of effectiveness of Online teaching materials has effective criteria.
Keywords: Online teaching materials, Course Networking, learning outcomes, and eligibility.