research develops learning video media for deaf children in grade 1 SDLB Karya
Mulia Surabaya. This video media aims to facilitate deaf children in speaking.
This is based on the research background, namely deaf children in SDLB Karya
Mulia Surabaya have learning difficulties in speaking, so that the children's
learning outcomes are low. For this reason, it is necessary to solve problems
by using video media that combines images and audio to attract students'
learning interest.
development uses the ADDIE method, namely analyze, design, develop, implement,
and evaluate the implementation of making the media. The type of research used
is non-parametric research. The subjects of the trial in this study were
subject experts namely material experts, learning design experts, and media
experts, as well as the subject of deaf grade 1 SDLB Karya Mulia Surabaya,
amounting to 10 children. The method of data collection is done by open
questionnaires, expert judgment and tests. While the data collection technique
uses the P formula which is used to measure the percentage of the questionnaire
then to test using expert judgment and the Wilcoxon match pairs test formula.
results showed that the validity of video media feasibility obtained a material
expert questionnaire calculation of 83.3% with excellent criteria; the
calculation of the learning design expert questionnaire was 76.5% with good
criteria; the calculation of the media expert questionnaire for media is 94.2%
with excellent criteria. Data from the media trial results using the expert
judgment method, because students do not make it possible to validate and test
the media because of limitations in ability. The data obtained by Wilcoxon
Match Pairs Test from the pre test and post test were obtained at Zh 2.84>
Zt 1.96, with an error rate of 5%, so that there were differences in the
average learning outcomes. In conclusion, the use of video media can improve speaking
skills of deaf children compared to using conventional learning to stimulate
speaking skills.
Keywords: Development, Learning Video Media, Deaf