Kata Kunci : kepuasan; ekstrakurikuler jiu jitsu; siswa
The basic reason the author conducted this research, was to find out the extent of student satisfaction who took part in Jiu Jitsu extracurricular activities at Wijaya Putra Senior High School. The purpose of this article is to determine the level of satisfaction of Jiu Jitsu extracurricular services. This study used a descriptive approach. This study used used incidental samplingtechnique. The instrument in this research used data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire. Limitation population and samples taken 10 students who take extracurricular Jiu-Jitsu at Senior High School Wijaya Putra in Surabaya City.The data analysis technique in this study used a Likert scale with SPSS Statistical application version 20. The results of reliability test weer analyzed using Cronbach Alpha technique showing r = 0.799, with the number of items declared as valid 41 items. The scale in this study uses a Likert Scale. The results of this study were calculated indicators. On the indicator direct evidence (Tangible) in the medium interval, the trainer reliability indicator (Reliability) met the satisfactory category, the responsiveness dimension (Responsivenes) was in in the satisfactory category. The of Assurance is in the good category, and the Attention dimension (Emphaty) is in the good category. It is concluded that the overall average statistic is 153.3. The percentage is 75% with a high category interval. It can be concluded that Jiu-Jitsu sport extracurricular services at Wijaya Putra High School students feels satisfied.