Strategi Kampanye Public Relations TBS Fight For Sisterhood The Body Shop Indonesia
TBS Fight For Sisterhood Public Relations Campaign Strategy The Body Shop Indonesia
Perkembangan komunikasi berbasis digital menjadikan peranan public relations menjadi sosok penting bagi perusahaan. The Body Shop Indonesia menjadi salah satu contoh yang menyadari peranan penting tersebut untuk dapat menjalankan prinsip dasar perusahaan sekaligus menjaga citra. Implementasi prinsip dasar yang dijalankan dibuktikan melalui hadirnya kampanye TBS Fight For Sisterhood. Berangkat dari kasus kekerasan seksual yang meningkat di Indonesia dan seringkali hanya berakhir tanpa jalan keluar, membuat pihak public relations The Body Shop Indonesia tergerak untuk memperjuangkan hal tersebut. Ditambah lagi, RUU PKS yang telah dirancang selama 8 tahun, tak kunjung disahkan. Selain itu, kekerasan seksual yang dianggap tabu juga menjadi rintangan tersendiri bagi The Body Shop Indonesia untuk dapat menciptakan strategi yang sesuai sehingga tidak menimbulkan adanya kontra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi kampanye public relations The Body Shop Indonesia dalam meraih tujuan utama yakni mendesak pengesahan RUU PKS sehingga dapat tercipta ruang aman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus dan paradigma kontruktivistik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beragam strategi yang diadakan telah berhasil dalam mencapai tujuan utama mereka sekaligus mendapatkan dampak positif yang beragam bagi brand.
Kata kunci: Strategi Public Relations, Kekerasan Seksual, Kampanye TBS Fight For Sisterhood, The Body Shop Indonesia.
The development of digital-based communication makes the role of public relations as an important figure for the company. The Body Shop Indonesia is an example that realizes the importance of public relations that can be able to carry out the basic principles of the company while maintaining its image. Implementation of the basic principles proven by the existence of TBS Fight For Sisterhood campaign. Based on sexual violence cases in Indonesia that increase without any solution, makes The Body Shop Indonesia's public relations team fight for this. In addition, the RUU PKS, which had been drafted for 8 years, was not ratified. In addition, sexual violence which is considered taboo is also an obstacle for The Body Shop Indonesia to be able to create an appropriate strategy so that there are no cons. Therefore, this study aims to find out how The Body Shop Indonesia's public relations campaign strategy in achieving the main goal of urging the ratification of the RUU PKS so it can create a safe space. This research is descriptive qualitative research with case study method and constructivist paradigm. Data was collected through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. The results of study show that various strategies have been successfully achieved their main goals while getting various positive impacts for brand.
Keywords: Public Relations Strategy, Sexual Violence, TBS Fight For Sisterhood campaign, The Body Shop Indonesia.