Development of Ethnomathematics-Based E-Book Teaching Materials to Train Students' Numeral Skills in Flat Shape Materials in Elementary Schools
Zaini, Rizky Amalia Dhiaul. 2023. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar E-Book Berbasis Etnomatematika Untuk Melatih Kemampuan Numerasi Siswa Pada Materi Bangun Datar Di Sekolah Dasar, Tesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing : (I) Dr. Wiryanto, M.Si. dan (II) Prof. Rooselyna Ekawati, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Kata Kunci : Bahan Ajar, E-Book, Etnomatematika, Numerasi.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yaitu pengembangan bahan ajar E-Book berbasis etnomatematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Pengembangan bahan ajar E-Book berbasis etnomatematika yang valid, praktis, dan efektif, (2) mendeskripsikan aktivitas siswa, dan (3) meningkatkan kemampuan numerasi siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah R&D (Research and Development) yang menghasilkan suatu produk berupa bahan ajar E-Book berbasis etnomatematika. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan ASSURE. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini berupa lembar validasi, angket, lembar observasi, dan tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pengembangan bahan ajar E-Book berbasis etnomatematika materi bangun datar untuk melatih kemampuan numerasi siswa kelas IV menggunakan model pengembangan ASSURE mendapat hasil yang layak karena telah memenuhi kriteria kevalidan dengan persentase 93,7% dengan kriteria sangat layak diperoleh dari validasi ahli media, 89,2 denan kriteria sangat layak diperoleh dari validasi ahli materi. Kepraktisan media diperoleh persentase dari respon guru sebesar 94,2% dan respon siswa sebesar 82% dengan kriteria sangat praktis. Keefektifan media diperoleh dari nilai N-Gain sebesar 63% berada pada kriteria tinggi. Kemudian hasil aktivitas siswa yang diperoleh pada tahap implementasi menunjukkan siswa pada kelompok eksperimen mencapai 53% dengan kriteria sangat aktif. Berbeda dengan kelompok eksperimen, aktivitas siswa pada kelompok kontrol menunjukkan aktivitas siswa cukup aktif dengan persentase 60%. Dan kemampuan numerasi siswa kelas IV SD setelah mengikuti pembelajaran materi bangun datar mengalami peningkatan. Peningkatan numerasi pada tahap implementasi kelompok eksperimen memiliki ketuntasan 83% lebih besar dari kelompok kontrol 25%.
Zaini, Rizky Amalia Dhiaul. 2023. Development of Ethnomathematics-Based E-Book Teaching Materials to Train Students' Numeral Skills in Flat Shape Materials in Elementary Schools, Thesis. Basic Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program at State University of Surabaya. Advisor : (I) Dr. Wiryanto, M.Sc. and (II) Prof. Rooselyna Ekawati, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Keywords: Teaching Materials, E-Books, Ethnomatematics, Numeration.
This research is a development research, namely the development of E-Book teaching materials based on ethnomathematics. This study aims to: (1) Develop valid, practical, and effective ethnomathematics-based E-Book teaching materials, (2) describe student activities, and (3) improve the numeracy skills of fourth grade elementary school students. This type of research is R&D (Research and Development) which produces a product in the form of E-Book teaching materials based on ethnomathematics. The development model used in this study is the ASSURE development model. The instruments in this study were validation sheets, questionnaires, observation sheets, and tests. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Based on the results of research on the development of E-Book teaching materials based on ethnomathematics on flat shapes to train the numeracy skills of fourth grade students using the ASSURE development model, they obtained decent results because they met the validity criteria with a percentage of 93.7% with very feasible criteria obtained from the validation of media experts, 89.2 with very feasible criteria obtained from material expert validation. The practicality of the media obtained a percentage of the teacher's response of 94.2% and student responses of 82% with very practical criteria. The effectiveness of the media is obtained from the N-Gain value of 63% which is in the criteria of being quite effective. Then the results of student activity obtained at the implementasi stage showed students in the experimental group reached 87% with very active criteria. In contrast to the experimental group, student activity in the control group showed quite active student activity with a percentage of 60%. And the numeracy skills of fourth grade elementary school students after participating in learning flat shapes have increased. The increase in numeration in the implementasi stage of the experimental group has 83% greater mastery than the control group 25%.