curriculum requires that a teacher must apply learning with a scientific
approach that contains 5M (Observing, Asking, Trying, Reasoning, and
Communicating). However, at SMK Negeri 1 Jatirejo there are still some
shortcomings both in terms of the low factors that influence learning outcomes
and the minimum level of percentage of completeness of student learning
outcomes. This research was carried out in TMI X class 1 and 2 on Mechanical
Engineering Drawing subjects by applying the cooperative learning model
Numbered Head Together (NHT) using the help of Autodesk Inventor visual media.
This study aims to determine the effect of using the NHT learning model using
media visual inventor on student learning motivation, student communication
skills both verbally and non-verbally and student learning outcomes.
method used in this research is Research True experimental design with the type
of research Posttest Only Control Design where in this study there were two
groups, each of which was randomly selected R (random). The first group was
given treatment (X) and the other group did not, which then carried out several
tests including the analysis prerequisite test in the form of normality and
homogeneity test before the hypothesis testing or t-test to do the effect after
treatment was given to the research variable.
results showed that there was an influence on learning motivation, students'
communication skills both verbally and non-verbally, and student learning
outcomes including cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains with the
application of NHT learning models with the help of inventor visual media. This
is indicated by the price of t-count all aspects greater than t table between
the control class and the experimental class.
Keywords : NHT, Autodesk Inventor, Motivation to
learn, communication skills, learning outcomes