Idawati, Tatik. 2019. Development of
Fractional Material Learning Tools Using Realistic Mathematical Approaches to
Improve Student Learning Outcomes of Class IV Elementary Schools. Thesis, Basic
Education Study program, Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University.
Advisors (1) Prof. Dr. Siti M. Amin, M.Pd and (2) Neni Mariana, S.Pd., M.Sc.,
Words: Research, development and realistic mathematics.
The purpose of this study is (1) to describe the
quality of good learning tool including
validity, effectiveness and practicality, (2) to describe the improvement in
learning outcomes of Class IV Elementary School students using a realistic
mathematical approach to fraction material. The learning tools developed in this
study are in the form of Learning Implementation Plans, Student Worksheets and
Learning Outcomes Test . This research is a development study using a 4-D
model, which is to define, design, develop and disseminate.
Furthermore, the learning tools were tested using
One Group Pretest-Postest Design for Class IV students of SDN Klampis Ngasem V
Surabaya. The results of this development indicate that (1) the learning device
has good quality because it meets the following requirements; the validator's
assessment of the learning tool is a score of 4 in the valid category, the
ability of the teacher to manage learning and student activities in the good
category, more than 75% of students score above the KKM which shows that the
student's learning outcomes are declared complete, and the student's positive
response to the device learning that is shown by more than 75% of students
giving opinions happy, new, clear and interested, (2) student learning outcomes
using a realistic mathematical approach has increased with high categories.
Based on these results, the researcher concludes
that learning tools using a realistic mathematical approach have good qualities
so that they can be used to improve the learning outcomes of Class IV students
at SDN Klampis Ngasem V Surabaya on fractional material.