Pada teori himpunan fuzzy terdapat beberapa cara untuk mengukur kesamaan dua himpunan salah satunya yaitu menggunakan metode intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi Sets (IFMS). Sehingga penelitian ini, diperkenalkan Ukuran Kesamaan Hamming yang dinormalisasi untuk Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi Sets (IFMS). Menggunakan metode ini, diperoleh perhitungan pemilihan skincare terbaik. Produk Skincare yang dipilih untuk mendukung penelitian ini yaitu Wardah, Skin Aqua, Emina, The Body Shop, dan Garnier. Penilaian Skincare terbaik terbagi menjadi lima kriteria yaitu berdasarkan kandungan, kemasan, Kesesuaian terhadap jenis kulit, skincare aman (lulus uji BPOM), dan yang terakhir kecocokan terhadap kulit. Hasil pengolahan data, skincare yang menduduki peringkat pertama yaitu Skin Aqua dan The Body Shop. Skincare yang menduduki peringkat kedua yaitu Wardah. Skincare yang menduduki peringkat ketiga yaitu Garnier. Skincare yang menduduki peringkat terakhir yaitu Emina.
Kata Kunci: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi Sets (IFMS), Skincare, Pemilihan Skincare
In fuzzy set theory there are several ways to measure the similarity of two sets, one of which is using the intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi Sets (IFMS) method. In this study, we introduce the Normalized Hamming Similarity Measure for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi Sets (IFMS). By using this method, the calculation of the best skincare selection is obtained. The skincare products chosen to support this research are Wardah, Skin Aqua, Emina, The Body Shop, and Garnier. The assessment of the best skincare is divided into five criteria, namely based on content, packaging, suitability for skin type, safe skincare (passed the BPOM test), and finally compatibility with skin. The results of data processing, skincare that ranks first are Skin Aqua and The Body Shop. Skincare which ranks second is Wardah. Skincare that ranks third is Garnier. And skincare that ranks last is Emina.
Keywords: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi Sets (IFMS), Skincare, Skincare Selection