Student assessment
activities at school are one of the benchmarks of development to monitor how
far the knowledge and competencies taught by teachers have been absorbed by students.
The old mindset that test scores are a measure of intelligence makes some
students feel depressed. The pressure experienced by these students can cause
anxiety. Based on interviews with the Head of
Madrasah, this also appears to have happened at MA Tarbiyatul Wathon Campurejo,
Panceng, Gresik during the Final Semester Assessment (FSA) activities,
especially in class XII IPS. Therefore, research was conducted with the aim of
knowing the level of anxiety experienced by students of class XII IPS at MA Tarbiyatul
Wathon in facing the Final Semester Assessment. The research method used was descriptive research with a qualitative
descriptive approach, with saturated sampling technique, using the entire
population, in this case, all members of class XII IPS totaling 29 students.
Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire technique, the results of
which will be analyzed descriptively. In this study, researchers determined the
level of anxiety into three categories (classifications/classes), namely: (1)
low anxiety with an anxiety score <40; (2) moderate anxiety with an anxiety
score of 40 – 59; and (3) high anxiety with
an anxiety score of ≥ 60. The results showed that of the 29
students, there were 9 students who experienced low anxiety, 15 students
experienced moderate anxiety, and 5 students experienced high anxiety. When
presented, 52% of class XII IPS students experience moderate anxiety. This
shows that when facing FSA, class XII students feel pressure that makes them
anxious, but their anxiety can still be controlled. The anxiety experienced by class XII IPS
students is probably because: (1) The expectations and mindset of parents who
think that grades are a measure of achievement; (2) KKM for class XII is the
highest compared to grades X and XI, namely 72; and (3) thoughts regarding the
target of high report card scores in order to pass
SNMPTN. Then, there were 5 students who experienced high anxiety. Even though
the percentage is only 17% of the total number of students, this should still
be of particular concern. Further research is needed regarding the causes of
these 5 students experiencing high anxiety, because if left untreated, it is
feared that it will have an adverse impact on student learning development, and
will certainly affect their competence.
Keywords: anxiety, end of semester
assessment, level of anxiety.