Analisis Daya Dukung Air Meteorik Untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Domestik Masyarakat Desa Ngepung, Kecamatan Lengkong, Kabupaten Nganjuk
Analysis of the Carrying Capacity of Meteoric Water for Meeting the Domestic Water Needs of the Ngepung Village Community, Lengkong Sub District, Nganjuk Regency
Kabupaten Nganjuk memiliki potensi rawan kekeringan pada musim kemarau. Pernyataan
tersebut merujuk pada peta rawan bencana kekeringan Kabupaten Nganjuk. Kecamatan Lengkong
merupakan salah satu wilayah di Kabupaten Nganjuk yang rawan bencana kekeringan. Empat desa
yang rawan berdampak kekeringan yaitu Desa Pinggir, Desa Prayungan, Desa Sumberono, dan Desa
Ngepung. Satu desa yang selalu langganan kekeringan di setiap tahunnya yaitu Desa Ngepung.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kebutuhan air, daya dukung air meteorik, dan strategi adaptasi
yang dilakukan masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air pada musim kemarau.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian survei. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan
metode simple random sampling. Perhitungan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perhitungan
neraca air. Tahapan penelitian ini ini dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi sebaran waktu hujan, identifikasi
sebaran tempat dan tebal hujan, penghitungan ketersediaan air, menghitung kebutuhan air domestik,
dan menyusun daya dukung air.
Hasil perhitungan daya dukung air menunjukkan potensi air meteorik masih mampu mencukupi
kebutuhan air domestik penduduknya sampai 657 kali lipat dari jumlah penduduk yang ada sekarang,
sedangkan strategi adaptasi yang diakukan dari berbagai segi yaitu pemerintahan, lembaga desa,
kelompok masyarakat desa, dan strategi individu sudah sedikit membantu masyarakat dalam memenuhi
kebutuhan air meskipun tidak maksimal. Distribusi besaran curah hujan dipengaruhi musim dengan
total kebutuhan air domestik yang cenderung tetap bahkan meningkat menjadikan perbandingan
keduanya sering tidak tepat sehingga perlu diwaspadai pada bulan Mei sampai dengan November
dimana pada bulan-bulan tersebut curah hujan sangat kecil sehingga sangat dimungkinkan terjadi
Kata kunci: kekeringan, kebutuhan air domestik, neraca air, daya dukung air meteorik
Nganjuk Regency has potential to be drought prone in some areas during the dry season. This
statement refers to drought prone maps published by BPBD Nganjuk. Lengkong is one of drought prone area in Nganjuk which are prone to drought. There are 4 drought-prone areas, such as Pinggir
Village, Prayungan Village, Sumberono Village, and Ngepung Village. One village that is always
subscribed to drought each year is the village of Ngepung. The aim of this study was purposed to
explore the water requirements, the carrying capacity of meteoric water, and adaptation strategies by
the villagers of Ngepung Village to fulfill their needs in dry season. The methodology used in this
study was water balance calculation.
This research uses survey method. Sampling using simple random sampling method. The
calculation used in this study is the calculation of the water balance. The steps of this study started by
identfying the rain distribution, identifying the rainfall distribution and the rain thickness, calculating
the availability of water sources, calculating the domestic water requirements, and arranging the
carrying capacity of water.
The result of the calculation of the water carrying capacity showed that the potential of the
meteoric water in Ngepung Village could fulfill until 657 times of the domestic water requirements
for the recent number of villagers, but the adapt strategy which is conducted from various government
aspect such as the government itself, village institution, the villagers community, and the strategy
from every individual has help the community a little in fulfill their water needs, although it is not
optimal. The distribution of the amount of rainfall was influenced by the season which was the total of
the domestic water requirements tended to be fixed and did not increased made the both of
comparison not accurate. Therefore, the drought prone should be aware by the villagers as the effect
of the little amount of rainfall on July to November.
Key words: drought, domestic water needs, water balance, carrying capacity of meteoric water.