Perancangan Video Tutorial Menggambar Ilustrasi Cerita Rakyat Banyubiru di Reels Instagram
Designing a Video Tutorial on Drawing Illustrations of Banyubiru Folklore on Instagram Reels
Cerita rakyat merupakan warisan budaya Indonesia, salah satunya cerita rakyat Banyubiru Pasuruan, tetapi sudah jarang diketahui oleh masyarakat. Padahal cerita rakyat perlu dilestarikan dan diktehui. Oleh karena itu, penulis memanfaatkan media sosial Instagram untuk mengenalkan cerita rakyat Banyubiru kepada masyrakat luas dengan konten video reels Instagram. Tujuan dari penilitian ini yaitu (1) mendeskripsikan konsep, (2) mengetahui proses perancangan video tutorial, dan (3)mengetahui hasil respon rancangan video tutorial.
Perancangan ini mengunakan metode Reasearch and Development level 1 yaitu membuat dan menghasilkan rancangan tanpa mengujinya. Langkah-langkah dalam perancangan ini meliputi identifikasi potensi masalah, studi literatur dan pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, dan produk perancangan.
Konsep dalam pembuatan perancangan ini terdapat konsep ilustrasi, yakni cerita rakyat Banyubiru ketika Pak Tombro membuat kerbaunya keluar dari kubangan kolam yang penuh lumpur dan kolam tersebut berubah menjadi jernih serta munculnya 2 ikan sengkaring. Konsep media yang digunakan meliputi kertas watercolour V-Tec ukuran A4, cat watercolour Sakura, kamera gawai dengan resolusi 30 fps, aplikasi Capcut, dan beberapa lagu pilihan sebagai latar belakang suara.
Terdapat 4 tahapan yang dilakukan saat proses perancangan, yaitu desain produk, produksi video, validasi produk, dan revisi produk. Desain produk dalam ilustrasi meliputi sketsa, line art, mewarnai, dan finishing. Sementara pada Storyboard terdapat 3 bagian atau part yakni part 1 menjelaskan tentang sejarah cerita rakyat Banyubiru serta kondisi Banyubiru saat ini. Pada part 2 menjelaskan cara membuat sketsa atau ilustrasi cerita rakyat Banyubiru. Part 3 berisikan proses mewarnai dengan menjelaskan teknik yang digunakan, serta tahap finishing mewarnai ilustrasi cerita rakyat Banyubiru. Produksi video menggunakan kamera gawai dan di edit menggunakan aplikasi Capcut. Setelah video selesai dibuat, hasil produk video divalidasi oleh validator materi dan validator media. Validasi dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali hingga produk yang dihasilkan layak untuk diunggah ke media sosial Instagram.
Hasil dari perancangan video diunggah di reels Instagram setelah mendapatkan validasi dan dinyatakan layak untuk diunggah. Berdasarkan hasil unggahan tersebut video tutorial ini mendapatkan hasil atau respon yang positif. Pada video 1 236 jumlah tayangan, 52 likes, 15 komentar, dan 3 share. Video 2 mendapatkan hasil 195 jumlah tayangan, 41 likes, dan 2 share. Video 3 mendapatkan hasil 348 jumlah tayangan, 51 likes, 11 komentar, dan 3 share.
Kata kunci: Video tutorial, Cerita Rakyat Banyubiru, ReelsInstagram
Folklore is a cultural heritage of Indonesia, one of which is the folk tale of Banyubiru Pasuruan, but it is now rarely known by the public. However, folk tales need to be preserved and known. Therefore, the writer utilizes the social media platform Instagram to introduce the folk tale of Banyubiru to a wide audience through reels Instagram. The objectives of this research are (1) to describe the concept, (2) to understand the process of designing video tutorials, and (3) to know the response to the video tutorial design.
This design uses Research and Development method at Level 1, which involves creating and producing the design without testing it. The steps in this design include identifying potential problems, literature review, and data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, and product finalization.
The concept in this design involves illustration, depicting the folk tale of Banyubiru when Mr. Tombro made his buffalo come out of a muddy pond, the pond changed into clear water and two golden fish appearing. The concept of media includes V-Tec watercolor paper size A4, Sakura paint watercolor, a mobile camera with 30 fps resolution, Capcut application, and selected background music.
There are four stages in the design process: product design, video production, product valid ation, and product revision. The product design in the illustration includes sketching, line art, coloring, and finishing. In the storyboard, there are three parts: Part 1 explains the history of the Banyubiru folk tale and the current condition of Banyubi ru. process of Part 2 explains how to sketch or illustrate the Banyubiru folk tale. Part 3 the coloring while explaining the techniques, and the finishing stage of coloring the illustration of the Banyubiru folk tale. Video production uses a mobile camera and is edited using the Capcut application. After the video completed, the product was validated by material and media validators. Validation is done twice until the product is deemed suitable for uploading to the Instagram social media platform.
The results of the video design are uploaded on Instagram reels after validation and being declared suitable for uploading. Based on the upload results, this video tutorial received positive feedback. Video 1 received 236 views, 52 likes, 15 comments, and 3 shares . Video 2 received 195 views, 41 likes, and 2 shares. Video 3 received 348 views, 51 likes, 11 comments, and 3 shares.
Keywords: Video tutorial, Banyubiru folklore, ReelsInstagram xiii