Otak-otak ikan menggunakan daging bandeng dalam bentuk surimi yang dicampur dengan tapioka dan bumbu yaitu: santan, garam, gula, lada bawang. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas gizi maka ditambahkan daun kelor segar yang memiliki kalsium sebesar 440mg, Fosfor 70mg. Tujuan penelitia untuk megetahui: 1) formula terbaik hasil uji rekayasa frozen food Otak-otak bandeng daun kelor; 2) tingkat kesukaan panelis yang meliputi bentuk, warna, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa; 3) Kandungan Gizi otak-otak berdasarkan perhitungan DKBM, 4) harga jual otak-otak ikan bandeng daun kelor /15g. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode rekayasa. Rekayasa , dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali perlakuan, desain rekayasa dengan perlakuan penambahan daun kelor 25% dari jumlah ikan. Produk dikukus hingga matang dan dibekukan 1 hari sebelum di ujikan kepada 30 panelis. Uji tingkat kesukaan otak-otak ikan bandeng daun kelor dalam bentuk frozen food dan yang telah dihangatkan. Instrumen uji kesukaan ini terdiri dari 4 skala likert; skor 1= tidak suka, 2 = kurang suka, 3 = cukup suka, dan 4 = suka. Instrumen berupa angket dengan skala likert berbentuk checklist. Hasil penilaian uji tingkat kesukaan terhadap otak-otak ikan bandeng daun kelor yaitu 19 orang (63%) menyatakan suka terhadap bentuk, 16 orang (53,33%) menyatakan suka terhadap warna, 10 orang (33,33%) menyatakan sukamenyatakan suka terhadap aroma, 16 orang (53,33%) menyatakan suka terhadap tekstur, dan 11 orang (36,67%) yang menyatakan suka terhadap rasa. Kandungan gizi per 100 gram berdasarkan perhitungan DKBM meliputi Energi 1.163,51kkal, protein 126,008g, lemak 30,48g, karbohidrat 240,818g, kalsium 1.002g, fosfor 918,126g.
Fish otak-otak uses milkfish in the form of surimi mixed with tapioca and spices, namely: coconut milk, salt, sugar, and onion pepper. To improve the nutritional quality, fresh Moringa leaves are added which have 440 mg calcium, 70 mg phosphorus. The objectives of the research were to find out: 1) the best formula from the frozen food engineering test. The otak-otak of milkfish in Moringa leaves; 2) the panelists' preference level which includes shape, color, aroma, texture, and taste; 3) Nutritional content of the otak-otak based on the calculation of DKBM, 4) the selling price of the otak-otak of milkfish in Moringa leaves / 15g. This study uses engineering methods. Engineering, carried out 3 treatments, engineering design with the addition of moringa leaves 25% of the number of fish. The product is steamed until cooked and frozen 1 day before being tested on 30 panelists. Test the level of preference of the otak-otak of the Moringa leaf milkfish in the form of frozen and warmed food. This preference test instrument consists of 4 Likert scales; score 1 = dislike, 2 = dislike, 3 = quite like, and 4 = like. The instrument is a questionnaire with a Likert scale in the form of a checklist. The results of the assessment of the level of preference for the otak-otak of the Moringa milkfish, namely 19 people (63%) said they liked the shape, 16 people (53.33%) said they liked the color, 10 people (33.33%) said they liked it. aroma, 16 people (53.33%) said they liked the texture, and 11 people (36.67%) said they liked the taste. The nutritional content per 100 grams based on the DKBM calculation includes energy 1,163.51kcal, protein 126.008g, fat 30.48g, carbohydrates 240.818g, calcium 1.002g, phosphorus 918.126g.