Pengaruh Komposisi Polimer terhadap Permeabilitas Membran Polisulfon (PSf)
Effect of Polymer Composition on Polysulfone (PSf) Membrane Permeability
Teknologi pemisahan berbasis membran semakin mengalami kemajuan karena memiliki banyak keunggulan dibandingkan dengan metode pemisahan tradisional. Polysulfone (PSf) termasuk jenis polimer yang populer digunakan untuk pembuatan membran ultrafiltrasi karena memiliki resistensi tinggi terhadap pH dan stabilitas termal yang baik. Dalam penelitian ini, membran polysulfone dipreparasi menggunakan metode inversi fasa dengan teknik imersi-presipitasi dan dicetak menggunakan casting knife dengan ketebalan 0,4mm. Untuk mendapatkan membrane dengan karakteristik terbaik, dilakukan optimasi komposisi polimer penyusun membrane, yaitu (PSf/DMAc;%w/w) 12/70, 13/70, 14/70, 15/70, 16/70. Kinerja membran dievaluasi melalui pengukuran ketebalan membrane padat menggunakan mikrometer skrup dan fluks menggunakan reactor membran dead-end. Hasil pengukuran ketebalan membrane menunjukkan peningkatan ketebalan membrane PSf padat seiring peningkatan komposisi polisulfon dalam larutan cetak. Sebaliknya, peningkatan komposisi polysulfone dalam komposisi larutan cetak telah menurunkan fluks membran. Secara umum, nilai fluks, baik air, rhodamine-B, maupun asam humat, yang terendah dihasilkan oleh membrane PSf dengan komposisi 16/70, sebaliknya, fluks tertinggi dihasilkan oleh membrane dengan komposisi 12/70.
Kata-kata kunci: Polimer; Polisulfon; Membran; Ultrafiltrasi; Rhodamin; Asam Humat
Membrane-based separation technology is increasingly advancing because it has many advantages over traditional separation methods. Polysulfone (PSf) is a popular polymer used for the manufacture of ultrafiltration membranes because it has high resistance to pH and good thermal stability. In this study, polysulfone membranes were prepared using the phase inversion method with the immersion-precipitation technique and molded using a casting knife with a thickness of 0.4mm. To get a membrane with the best characteristics, an optimization of the polymer composition of the membrane was carried out, namely (PSf/DMAc;%w/w) 12/70; 13/70; 14/70; 15/70; 16/70. Membrane performance was evaluated by measuring the thickness of the solid membrane using micrometer couplers and flux using a dead-end membrane reactor. The measurement results of membrane thickness showed an increase in the thickness of the solid PSf membrane along with the increase in the composition of polysulfone in the casting solution. Conversely, an increase in the polysulfone composition in the cast solution has decreased the membrane flux. In general, the lowest flux, both water, rhodamine-B, and humic acid, was produced by the PSf membrane with a composition of 16/70, on the other hand, the highest flux was produced by a membrane with a composition of 12/70.
Keywords: Polymer, Polysulfone, Membrane; Ultrafiltration; Rhodamine; Humic Acid