Sidoarjo District is in three place based on
the most tuberculosis cases in East Java at 2018 and with low achievement which
is 45%. One of the Health Center with higher cases is Waru Health Center. Waru
Health Center has the highest tuberculosis prevalence value at number five and the lowest tuberculosis discovery and
treatment achievement which is rank 1st from five sub-districts that
occur the most cases in Sidoarjo district. The
Purpose of this studi was examined to found out 1) the influence of age, education level , occupation, sex, healthy
house and CHLB on lung tuberculosis cases 2)
From those variable mention before, which one was most influential on
the lung tuberculosis
cases 3 ) the spread pattern of lung tuberculosis in
Waru Health Center.
This research using a survey based on case
control method by chi-square test analysis
technique and multiple logistic regression test. The
participant for this research was determined with 51 patients with lung
tuberculosis positive and 51 patients as control with lung tuberculosis
negative, both participants category were matching 2 km from Waru Health
Center. Data collection techniques using interview, observation and documentation.
The data analysis technique use chi-square test and multiple logistic
The result showed, based on chi-square
methods, the variables that has influence are age with sig.age p < α , p = (0,027 < 0,05) ; and education level with sig. education level p
< α , p = (0,000 < 0,05) . T he most influential variable is education level with a sig. value = 0,001 with Odd Ratio value is = 0,115 which means that respondents with primary
education have the risk or possibility of not getting tuberculosis by 0,115
times compared to respondents with secondary education, in other words
respondents with secondary education have possibility of not getting
tuberculosis by 1/0,115 = 8,7 times compared to respondents with primary
education . A nalysis
distribution pattern of tuberculosis patients result in the area of Waru
Community Health Center, tuberculosis patients are random patterns.
Keywords : Tuberculosis, Healthy House, Clean And
Healthy Life Behavior (CHLB), Case Control