Implementasi Model Supervisi Akademik Digital (E-Supervisi) di Era Pandemi Covid-19
Penulisan artikel ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk memahami, menganalisis, serta mendeskripsikan mengenai implementasi supervisi akademik digital (E-Supervisi) di era pandemi covid-19, kelebihan dan kekurangan dari E-Supervisi, serta perbedaan antara pelaksanaan supervisi akademik sebelum adanya pandemi covid-19 dan supervisi akademik sesudah adanya pandemi covid-19. Pengumpulan data pada artikel ilmiah ini menggunakan metode studi literature atau studi kepustakaan dengan mengkaji jurnal yang relevan dengan topik pembahasan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penulisan artikel ilmiah ini menunjukkan bahwa Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) saat ini telah masuk kedalam dunia pendidikan termasuk pelaksanaan pengawasan saat ini. Supervisi akademik digital (E-Supervisi) menjadi terobosan baru dari supervisi akademik konvensional yang dilakukan secara online/daring dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada sekaligus sebagai suatu bentuk pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi pengawas di era pandemi covid-19 saat ini. Pelaksanaan supervisi akademik digital (E-Supervisi) dinilai efektif dan efisien untuk diimplementasikan pada masa pandemi covid-19 karena memberikan banyak manfaat kepada supervisor, guru dan lembaga terkait serta dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru agar menjadi pendidik yang professional dan melek IT.
Kata kunci : Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, E-Supervisi, Kompetensi Guru
Writing this medical article objectives to recognize, analyze, and describe the implementation of virtual academic supervision (E-Supervision) inside the era of the covid-19 pandemic, the benefits and disadvantages of E-Supervision, as well as the variations among the implementation of eduactional supervision before the COVID-19 pandemic and academic supervision after the covid-19 pandemic. The data collection in this scientific article uses the literature study method or literature study by reviewing journals that are relevant to the topic of discussion. The results obtained from the writing of this scientific article indicate that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has now entered the world of education, including the implementation of current supervision. Digital academic supervision (E-Supervision) is a new breakthrough from conventional academic supervision to online/online academic supervision by utilizing existing technology as well as a form of solving problems faced by current supervisors. The implementation of digital academic supervision (E-Supervision) is considered effective and efficient to implement during the COVID-19 pandemic because it provides many benefits to supervisors, teachers and related institutions. The purpose of implementing E-Supervision is to improve teacher competence to become professional educators.
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, E-Supervision, Teacher Competence