Makro Strategi memberikan pedoman prospektif bagi guru untuk mengembangkan teknik pengajaran di kelas mereka sendiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: a) untuk mengeksplorasi strategi pengajaran makro yang digunakan oleh guru untuk memfasilitasi keterampilan berbicara siswa, b) untuk menggambarkan alasan guru untuk menggunakan strategi yang digunakan dalam memfasilitasi keterampilan berbicara siswa, c) untuk menyelidiki sejauh mana strategi pengajaran makro yang digunakan oleh guru untuk memfasilitasi keterampilan berbicara siswa, dan d) untuk menggambarkan keterlibatan siswa.
Disain penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Studi kasus ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan purposive sampling untuk menentukan peserta penelitian. Kriteria pemilihan subyek penelitian, mengacu pada kebijakan Menteri Pendidikan No 14 Tahun 2005 tentang UU guru dan Dosen, bahwa guru wajib memiliki kualifikasi akademik serta sertifikat pendidik. Mereka juga dipilih oleh pemerintah daerah sebagai instruktur untuk guru ya lain.
Kriteria untuk dua guru bahasa Inggris adalah: a) guru harus yang berpengalaman yakni mereka memiliki pengalaman lima tahun dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris, b) para guru telah menyelesaikan gelar S1. Kriteria ini membuat para guru sudah siap dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris kepada siswa. Dengan demikian, mereka siap untuk menerapkan Makro Strategi sebagai poin utama untuk penelitian ini, c) guru telah berpartisipasi dalam organisasi profesional secara aktif, d) guru memiliki skor yang baik di UKG (Uji Kompetensi Guru) dan nilai mereka adalah 7.
Total siswa dari kedua sekolah tersebut adalah 50 siswa. Data dari Dinas Pendidikan Kota dan Supervisor sekolah menunjukan bahwa siswa sekolah A dan B mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengikuti semua aktivitas di dalam dan di luar sekolah. Semua siswa dipilih untuk pengambilan data analisis supaya mendapatkan data yang valid, handal, dan akurat.
Ada dua teknik mengumpulkan data: observasi dan wawancara dengan guru dan siswa. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis menggunakan beberapa langkah analisis data kualitatif yang dikemukakan oleh Creswell (2003) yaitu: mengorganisir dan menyiapkan data untuk analisis, membaca data, pengodean data, menginterpretasikan data, dan melaporkan data.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua indikator strategi pengajaran makro yang diajukan oleh Kumaravadivelu diterapkan oleh para guru, mereka menerapkan delapan dari sepuluh strategi pengajaran makro. Kemudian, pertimbangan guru bervariasi dalam memilih strategi makro. Latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman mengajar, input dari siswa dan fasilitas sekolah menjadi alasan utama tidak melakukan semua strategi.
Penerapan strategi pengajaran makro guru banyak mempengaruhi komponen berbicara seperti tata bahasa, kosakata dan kelancaran. Selain itu, dari aspek perilaku sebagian besar muncul dalam pelaksanaan strategi pengajaran. Ini lebih baik daripada dua aspek lainnya seperti keterlibatan kognitif dan emosional. Temuan lainnya adalah kata-kata penguatan guru yang memunculkan keberanian siswa untuk berbicara selama proses belajar mengajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru cenderung menggunakan strategi pengajaran makro yang akrab berdasarkan latar belakang pengetahuan dan pengalaman guru.
Alasan guru dalam memilih strategi pengajaran makro adalah untuk merubah suasan kelas agar tidak terkesan monoton dan menarik perhatian siswa sehingga siswa turut berpartisipasi aktif selama proses belajar mengajar. Penerapan strategi guru tidak memfasilitasi semua aspek komponen berbicara, namun ada poin lain yang memfasilitasi keterampilan berbicara siswa yaitu aspek perilaku siswa dan penguatan guru dengan kata-kata. Dengan demikian, beberapa implikasi pada guru bahasa Inggris bahwa para guru didorong untuk menerapkan berbagai strategi dan cara mengajar untuk memfasilitasi keterampilan berbicara siswa. Pengetahuan dan pengalaman para guru penting untuk dikembangkan dalam aspek budaya bahasa target dan pembelajaran mandiri.
Macro Strategies provide prospective guidelines for teachers to develop their own classroom teaching techniques. Thus, the objectives of this study are: a) to explore macro teaching strategies used by the teachers to facilitate students’ speaking skill, b) to describe the teachers’ consideration to use teaching strategies employed to facilitate students’ speaking skill, c) to describe students’ engagement resulted from exposing the macro strategies, d to investigate the extent of macro teaching strategies employed by the teachers to facilitate students’ speaking skill, and d)
The recent study is qualitative case study research designed. There were two teachers as the participants. The criteria in choosing the subjects of research was based on Education Ministry policy No 14. 2005, about teacher and the lecturer constitution that teacher should be minimaly graduated from Bachelor (S.Pd degree) and have the educator certificate. They were also selected by local government as the teachers instructors for other teachers. These criteria for two English teachers are: a) the teachers should be experienced teachers. Thus the criteria for both of the English were: a) the teachers should be experienced teachers. They had five years experience in teaching English, b) the teachers had completed the S1 degree. These criteria made the teachers prepare their knowledge and skills in teaching English to EFL students. Thus, they were ready to implement Macro Strategies as the main point for this study, c) the teacher had participated in professional organization actively, d) the teachers might had good score in UKG (Teacher Competency Test).
There were 50 students chosen as the participants. The requirements for the students were: the students should be in the eleventh grade. All of the students were chosen in order to collect valid, reliable, and accurate data analysis. Some criteria were made for the students, because according to the data from Sport and Regency office and school supervisor that, the students from school A and school B were showed their ability and competence to follow all of activities in or out the class and it can be handled well.
There were two kinds of techniques of data collection: observation and interview to teacher and students. The collected data then were analyzed using several steps of qualitative data analysis proposed by Creswell ( 2003) organizing and preparing data for analysis, reading data, coding data process, interpreting data, and reporting data.
The results of research showed that not all of the macro teaching strategies were applied by the teachers, they implemented eight out of ten macro teaching strategies. Then, the teachers’s considerations were varied in selecting the macro strategies. Educational background, teaching experience, raw input of the students and school facilities became the core reasons of not conducting all strategies. In facilitating the students’ speaking skills, the implementation of the teachers’ macro teaching strategies affects much on the speaking components such as grammar, vocabulary, and fluency. It was also found that behavioral engagement was mostly appeared in the implementation of the teaching strategies. It is better than those of the two other aspects such as cognitive and emotional engagement. There is no specification of focusing the engagement. All engagement components were observed but in the result of observation shown that the behavioral engagement appeared more than other engagement.
The other finding is teachers’ reinforcement words were encourage students’ bravery to speak during teaching and learning process. Based on the results of research it can be concluded that the teachers tend to use familiar macro teaching strategies based on the teachers’ background knowledge and experiences. The teachers’s reasons in using macro teaching strategies it can be said that the teachers have varied reasons. They tried to change the classroom atmosphere to avoid the students to be bored to follow the lesson. They also wanted to attract the students’s attention during the teaching and process, so that they can take a part actively in doing all of the activities in the class.
Then the implementation of the teachers’s strategies did not facilitate all aspects of speaking components, however, there were other points which facilitated students’s speaking skill namely the students’s behavioral aspect and teachers’ reinforcement word. Thus, some implications to the English teacher that teachers were encouraged to apply various teaching strategies and ways in order to facilitate the students’ speaking skills. The teachers’s knowledge and experience were important to be developed in the aspects of target language culture and autonomous learning.