Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, permasalahan dalam penelitian ini dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut:
1. Bagaimana kesalahan berbahasa pada sakubun bahasa Jepang siswa kelas XI-10 SMA Negeri 7 Surabaya tahun ajaran 2018/2019?
2. Bagaimana faktor yang emnyebabkan siswa kelas XI-10 SMA Negeri 7 Surabaya tahun ajaran 2018/2019 melakukan kesalahan berbahasa pada sakubun bahasa Jepang?
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan tes, dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa:
1. Bentuk-bentuk Kesalahan yang Terjadi dalam Sakubun
a. Kesalahan organisasi isi
b. Kesalahan tata bahasa
c. Kesalahan gaya pilihan struktur dan kosakata
d. Kesalahan ejaan / tanda baca
2. Faktor-faktor Penyebab Terjadinya Kesalahan
a. Mistake
i. Tidak fokus
ii. Kurang teliti
b. Error
i. tidak hafal huruf kana
ii. menggunakan google trasnlate
iii. kebingungan dalam penggunaan pola kalimat
iv. kebingungan dalam perubahan bentuk kata sifat
v. belum bisa menggabungkan kata
vi. sulit menerjemahkan
vii. melihat sakubun responden lain
viii. kurang paham dengan pembelajaran bahasa Jepang.
Kata kunci : Analisis Kesalahan, Sakubun, Pola Kalimat, Perubahan Bentuk, Partikel
In writing, mistake and error are certainly difficult to be avoided. Thus, this study aims to find out the various kinds of errors that occur in writing that can be a benchmark for knowing which cases that make errors occur. Japanese language learning itself usually starts from high school level. Especially nowadays when many language majors have been opened in several high school, such as in one of the Senior High School in Surabaya, namely Surabaya 7 Senior High School. It opens a language department major and still active until today. This also underlies this research to be conducted in Surabaya 7 Senior High School.
Based on the background above, the problems in this study can be formulated as follows:
1. How do language errors occur in Japanese language in class XI-10 students at SMA 7 Surabaya 2018/2019?
2. what are the factors that cause student of class XI-10 in SMA 7 Surabaya in 2018/2019 to make a language msitake in the sakubun Japanese language?
This study used descriptive qualitative method. the data were obtained by using tests and interviews. the results of this study indicated that:
1. forms of mistake that occur in sakubun
a. organization error
b. grammar errors
c. error choice of structure and vocabulary style
d. spelling / punctuation error
2. factors causing errors
a. mistake
i. did not focus
ii. did not careful
b. error
i. did not memorize the kana letters
ii. using google translate
iii. confusion in the use of sentence patterns
iv. confusion in adjective form changes
v. did not able to combine words
vi. difficult to translate
vii. seeing other respondents
viii. did not understand Japanese learning
Keywords: error analysis, sakubun, sentence pattern, change in shape, particles