Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perdamaian dapat digunakan sebagai syarat khusus dalam pidana bersyarat. Dikarenakan ketentuan pada pasal 14a KUHP tidak mensyaratkan bentuk dari syarat khusus dalam pidana bersyarat, pidana bersyarat yang ada dalam pasal 73 ayat (4) UU SPPA menyatakan bahwa syarat khusus yang dimaksud adalah melakukan hal tertentu yang ditetapkan hakim, dan juga selaras dengan beberapa asas yang ada dalam UU SPPA. Bentuk hasil kesepakatan perdamaian yang dapat dilakukan oleh anak dalam perkara Nomor 6/PIDSUSANAK/2017/PT.MDN adalah kesepakatan para pihak secara tertulis dan dapat dimintakan legalisir kepada notaris untuk lebih memberi kekuatan hukum kepada para pihak.
Kata Kunci : Perdamaian, Diversi, Pidana Bersyarat
The children's criminal justice system is the whole process of resolving cases of children dealing with the law, from the investigation stage to the guidance stage after undergoing the crime. In the children's criminal justice system as much as possible avoids the punishment of imprisonment of children. Therefore in the Child Criminal Justice System Law there is the principle of ultimum remedium or criminal punishment as a last resort. An example is Decision Number 6 / Pid.Sus-Anak / 2017 / PT.Mdn which requires peace on children who commit criminal acts of theft accompanied by violence that is carried out jointly
This study aims to determine whether peace can be used as a Special condition in conditional crimes and to find out the right form of agreement related to the decision Nomor 6 / PID. SUS-ANAK/ 2017 / PT.MDN. This research is a type of normative juridical research, namely research using legal principles, rules and doctrines. This research was conducted using primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The study was conducted by using a case approach, decision Nomor 6 / PID. SUS-ANAK / 2017 / PT.MDN, then with the rules of law approach because this research is a normative research, and a conceptual approach, an approach through views or doctrines in law.
The results showed that peace can be used as a special requirement in conditional crimes on several grounds including the provisions of conditional pamaama in the Children's Criminal Justice System Act, the concept of peace in the Civil Code and the principles in the SPPA Law which states that a prison sentence is an ultimum remedium. The form of the outcome of the peace agreement that can be carried out by the child in case Nomor 6 / PII). SUS-ANAK/ 2017 / PT.MDN is the writing agreement of the parties and can be requested to be legalized to a notary to give more legal force to the parties.
Keywords: Peace, Diversion, Conditional Crime