This research aims to develop construct 2-based learning media. To find out the feasibility of the developed product. To find out how students respond to the product. To find out the learning outcomes of students after using the developed product.
The development research used to develop construct 2-based learning media is using Borg and Gall research and development and also using the one-group pretest-posttest design experimental method. The Borg and Gall R&D development model carried out in this research was carried out to the seventh stage (potential and problem analysis, collecting information, design development, design validation, design revision, product testing, and product revision). Data collection techniques include unstructured interviews, literature studies, validation questionnaires, tests, and student response questionnaires. The result of the development of construct 2-based learning media is in the form of an application called "Estimate Room" which has a large storage capacity of 77 MB (megabytes) and also accompanying materials to support learning media.
The results of media feasibility reviews by material experts get an accumulated percentage of 96.1% in the very decent category, while those by media experts get an accumulated percentage of 94.2% in the very decent category. The results of student responses get an overall accumulated percentage of 92%, which is a very good category.
The learning outcomes of students during the pretest got an average grade score of 65.5, where there were 10 students who got a very low category, 13 percent got a low learning outcome score category, and 77 percent of students got a medium learning outcome category. Meanwhile, at the time of the post-test, there were 57 percent of students getting a high learning outcome value category and 43 percent of students getting a very high learning outcome value category.
Keywords: Learning Media, Construct 2