Pembuatan Seni Paper Cut Pada Siswa Kelas X-MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Bangilan
Making Paper Cut Art For Class X-MIPA 1 Students of SMA Negeri 1 Bangilan Tuban
Two-dimensional art lessons are lessons that have been taken at all levels of educations. In it's applications in Senior High School, two-dimensional art learning is incorporated into the 10th grade cultural arts subject. The research held at SMA Negeri 1 Bangilan Tuban by taking 20 students as a sample from class X-MIPA 1. In class X fine arts learning, students only get painting lessons. Therefore, the researcher wanted to share insights about making paper cut artwork because previously the paper cut activity had never been taught by an arts and culture teacher. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the aim of describing the process and results of learning the making of paper cut art in class X-MIPA 1 students of SMA Negeri 1 Bangilan Tuban. The interviews taking with teacher and students regarding the paper cut. The results of making paper cut artwork from 20 students of class X-MIPA 1 showed that there were 5 students who got very good scores with a score of 92 (one student), 91 (one student), and 90 (three students). There are also 15 students who got good scores with a score of 89 (three students), 88 (five students), 86 (three students), 85 (one student), and 83 (three students). Based on the final score, it can be concluded that students are able to answer the questions asked during the interview and finish making paper cut artworks well.