Stunting or often know as dwarfism is a condition of
toddlers whose height is short when matched with their age, issues related to
stunting are included in chronic nutrition problems caused by many factors such
as socio-economic conditions, maternal nutrition during pregnancy, and lack of
nutritional intake for toddlers. In the future, children with stunting will be
vulnerable to disease, and brain development and intelligence will be weakened,
so stunting will be a serious threat to the quality of human resources. In
order to accelerate the reducation of stunting, the Situbondo Regency Health
Office as the bearer in the health sector throught the Gesit Gembira program
issued a Decree of the Head of the Situbondo Regecy Health Office Number 440/0.021.5/431.302.2.2/2022
concerning Gesit Gembira Service standards as a guideline for program
implementation. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of
Nutrition Recovery House Program for Sharing Food Together (Gesit Gembira) In
Accelerating Stunting Reducation At The Situbondo District Health Office.
type of research used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The research
focus uses the implementation model from Quade which consists of the envisioned
policy, target group, implementing organization, and environmental factors. The subjects in this study
were the chairman of the Gesit Gembira program coordinator, the program field
implementation team, and target's parents. The data collection techniques
in this research are observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The
data analysis techniques used are data condensation, data presentation, and
conclusion drawing.
results of the study describe that the Implementation of the Nutrition Recovery
House Program For Sharing Food Together (Gesit Gembira) in Accelerating Stunting
Reduction at the Situbondo Regency Health Office has been running well and
implemented optimally, this can be seen from the implementers running the
program in accordance with procedures, but in the implementation there are
several problems ranging from unreachable targets located in several areas far
from the Situbondo Regency Health Office, lack of an implementation team/expert
personnel, ineffective implementation time, provision or refined food types for
toddlers under 1 year of age, and some
parents of patients who are not cooperative.
to the results of the study, suggestions that can be given by researchers are 1)
Adding members to the field implementation team and experts so that the reach
of targets can spread more to the district area so that this program
can spread more so that many people can feel the impact, especially patients or
targets who are in remote areas and far from the Situbondo
District Health Office. 2) Provide soft food for toddlers under one
year of age 4) re-evaluating the implementation time of the program.
Keywords: Implementation, Program Gesit Gembira, Stunting