Kata kunci: Ekranisasi, Novel, Film
Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan proses ekranisasi berupa penciutan, penambahan, dan perubahan variasi dari novel ke film yang berjudul EL. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan objektif dengan metode kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan yakni struktur naratif Seymour Chatman dan Ekranisasi. Teori struktur naratif digunakan untuk menganalisis kernels dan satellite dalam cerita. Menurut Chatman peristiwa mayor atau yang disebut sebagai kernel tidak dapat diubah karena dapat merusak alur cerita secara keseluruhan. Sedangkan peristiwa minor atau satellite dapat diubah atau dihilangkan tanpa merusak alur cerita. Teori Ekranisasi digunakan untuk mengetahui proses adaptasi dari novel ke film berupa penciutan, penambahan, dan perubahan variasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Novel EL karya Luluk HF memiliki 68 kernels beserta satellite yang mengikuti berupa 28 latar dan 22 tokoh. Sementara itu film EL karya sutradara Findo Purwono memiliki 59 kernels dan satellite berupa 29 latar dan 22 tokoh. Proses penciutan terjadi pada 11 tokoh, 29 peristiwa, dan 10 latar. Penambahan pada film berupa 5 tokoh, 20 peristiwa, dan 5 latar. Selain penciutan dan penambahan, perubahan dari novel ke film ini juga mengalami perubahan variasi. Sebanyak 5 tokoh mengalami proses perubahan variasi dalam perannya. Perubahan variasi juga terdapat pada 5 peristiwa dan 5 latar. Proses ekranisasi tersebut dapat mengubah estetika cerita, namun keseluruhannya tidak mengubah konflik dalam cerita.
Keywoard: Ecranisation, Novel, Movie
This research describes the process of ecranisation in the form of reduction, addition, and changing variations from a novel to a film called EL. The approach used is an objective approach with qualitative methods. The theory used is the narrative structure of Seymour Chatman and Ecranisation. Narrative structure theory is used to analyze kernels and satellites in stories. According to Chatman the major events or so-called kernels cannot be changed because they can damage the whole storyline. While minor or satellite events can be changed or eliminated without destroying the storyline. Ecranization Theory is used to determine the process of adaptation from novel to film in the form of shrinkage, addition, and variation changes. The results showed that the EL novel by Luluk HF had 68 kernels and satellites that followed in the form of 28 backgrounds and 22 characters. Meanwhile the EL film by director Findo Purwono has 59 kernels and satellites in the form of 29 backgrounds and 22 characters. The process of downsizing occurred in 11 figures, 29 events, and 10 settings. Additions to the film in the form of 5 characters, 20 events, and 5 settings. In addition to reduction and adding, changes from the novel to the film also experience variations. As many as 5 figures experienced a process of changing variations in their roles. Changes to variations also occur in 5 events and 5 settings. The ecranisation process can change the aesthetic of the story, but the whole does not change the conflict in the story.