Sikap dan Perilaku Masyarakat Terhadap Pandemi Covid-19
Dalam upaya mengendalikan wabah Covid-19, pemerintah Indonesia memberlakukan protokol kesehatan dan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). Namun, masyarakat menanggapi kebijakan ini secara beragam. Riset psikologi kualitatif ini mengkaji sikap dan perilaku masyarakat terhadap pandemi Covid-19 dengan menerapkan pendekatan etnografi yang berfokus pada sebuah desa di Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Setelah mengumpulkan data dengan teknik wawancara semi-terstruktur dan observasi partisipan, peneliti menganalisis data dengan model interaktif. Ditemukan bahwa sebagian masyarakat berpersepsi bahwa Covid-19 dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan politik pihak tertentu dan kepentingan ekonomi pihak rumah sakit. Mereka juga berpandangan bahwa Covid-19 menyebabkan orang kehilangan pekerjaan dan mengalami masalah ekonomi. Dalam menghadapi pandemi, mereka bersikap waspada, mematuhi atau melanggar protokol kesehatan (mencuci tangan, mengenakan masker dan menjaga jarak), dan menyangkal hasil pemeriksaan rumah sakit. Sikap dan perilaku masyarakat ini dipengaruhi oleh tokoh, keyakinan beragama, pengetahuan memadai, kebiasaan berkerumun, kebiasaan tidak memakai masker, dan rasa aman dari bahaya Covid-19.
Kata Kunci: Covid-19, protokol kesehatan, sikap, perilaku.
To prevent the spread of Covid-19, the government of Indonesia have implemented health protocols and the “Large-Scale Social Restrictions” (PSBB). Indonesians have exhibited a wide range of responses to the policies. This qualitative research is psychological study of people’s attitudes and behavior in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The researcher conducted an ethnographic fieldwork in a village in the District of Pasuruan, East Java. After collecting data through semi-structured interviews and participant observation, the researcher analyzed the data using the interactive model. The study discovered that some of the villagers believed that evil actors had exploited the pandemic for political purposes and that hospital owners took advantazge of the biological disaster for commercial gain. Other villagers took the view that Covid-19 had caused job losses and other economic problems. In response to the pandemic, the villagers exercised caution, complied with the health protocols (wahing their hands, wearing a face mask, and observing social distancing), ignored these protocols, and/or deny hospital health check results. These attitudes and behavior were the product of a set of factors, which included opinion leaders, religious beliefs, adequate knowledge, the habits of gathering together and not wearing a face mask, and perceived invulnerability to the dangers of Covid-19
Keywords: Covid-19, health protocol, attitude, behavior.