Dampak Diversifikasi Produk Berbasis Augmented Reality Terhadap Peningkatan Penjualan dan Pertumbuhan Laba (Studi Kasus UMKM Gedebog.Idn Surabaya)
Impact of Product Diversification Based on Augmented Reality
Towards Increased Sales and Profit Growth
(Case Study of UMKM Gedebog.Idn Surabaya)
Tujuan pelaksanaan penelitian ini digunakan untuk
mengetahui dampak diversifikasi produk menggunakan teknologi
augmented reality terhadap peningkatan penjualan dan
petumbuhan laba selama periode bulan September-November
tahun 2023 pada UMKM gedebog.idn Surabaya. Metode
penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian deskriptif
kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari jumlah seluruh data
volume penjualan dan laba selama bulan Juni-November 2023.
Pengambilan data sampel menggunakan purposive sampling
dengan menggunakan sampel volume penjualan dan laba bulan
September-Oktober 2023. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
diversifikasi produk menggunakan augmented reality memiliki
hasil positif terhadap peningkatan penjualan dalam rentang 26-
41% dan pertumbuhan laba dalam rentang 24-28%.
Kata Kunci: Diversifikasi;Augmented Reality;Penjualan;Pertumbuhan laba;UMKM
The purpose of carrying out this research was to determine the
impact of product diversification using augmented reality technology on
increasing sales and profit growth during the period September-October
2023 at UMKM gedebog.idn Surabaya. The research method used is a
quantitativedescriptive research method. The research population consist
of the total sales volume and profit data for June-November 2023. Sample
data was collected using purposive sampling sales volume and profit
samples for September-October 2023. The result of determination test
show that 99% product diversification has an effect on sales volume and
100% of profit growth. The results of the hypothesis test show that the
significance value for sales volume is 0,024 and profit growth is 0,004
which is smaller than the probability value. The research results show that
product diversification using augmented reality has positive results in
increasing sales in the range of 26-41% and profit growth in the range of
Keywords:Diversification;AugmentedReality,Sales,Profit Growth;UMKM