The purpose of this study is to explore dialogic
feedback during paper writing supervision. Therefore, four main research
questions have been drawn for this present study are: (1) What features of
dialogic feedback are present during paper writing supervision in a doctoral
program? (2) How do doctoral students participate in dialogic feedback during
paper writing supervision? (3) What obstacles
doctoral students face in dialogic
feedback during paper writing supervision? (4) How do
doctoral students follow up the results of dialogic feedback during paper
writing supervision?.
This study used a qualitative approach to investigate
the implementation of dialogic feedback took place during paper writing supervision for doctoral students.
The subject for this
study was eight doctoral students in one of
Universities in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. To gain the data, video observation and online interviews were conducted. The steps for analyzing
the data were 1.) Preparing and organizing 2.) Coding, and 3.) Interpreting. In
the observation stage, the researcher collected the data from the observation
sheets and the transcripts of the doctoral students and lecturer interaction.
Meanwhile, in the interview stage, the researcher collected the data from the
transcripts of interview results.
The findings revealed that (1) four features were
present in dialogic feedback: maintenance of the feedback dialogue,
opportunities for students to express themselves, emotional and relational
support, the other’s contribution to individual growth; (2) doctoral students’ participation
in dialogic feedback were present in two types; active engagement and moderate
engagement during dialogic feedback process; (3) obstacles faced by students in
dialogic feedbacks covers: social-affective dimension (different perceptions,
confusion) and structural dimension (difficulties related with the topic task).
However, they said that they could overcome the obstacles by directly asking
the lecturer’s explanation; (4) students followed up the results of dialogic
feedback by addressing a comment and making changes in a draft.
The results from this study demonstrated that dialogic feedback
approach has important roles in students’ learning.
Moreover, the findings
of this study contribute as new insight for teachers or lectures to emphasize the use of dialogic feedback during
giving feedback in the teaching and learning process, especially in Indonesia
educational setting or in a similar EFL context.