Nama : Fajar Dian Syahputra
NIM : 16050754029
Program Studi : S1 Teknik Mesin
Jurusan : Teknik Mesin
Dosen Pembimbing : Novi Sukma Drastiawati, S.T., M.Eng.
Peningkatan kesadaran lingkungan di seluruh dunia mendorong penelitian dan pengembangan bahan yang ramah lingkungan namun tetap memiliki berat yang ringan dan memiliki sifat yang kuat seperti komposit berpenguat serat alam. Penggunaan plat besi pada bagian belakang kursi mobil sangat tidak efisien karena dapat menambah berat mobil. Perlu dilakukan inovasi material pada komponen bagian belakang kursi mobil salah satunya menggunakan komposit serat bambu wulung (Gigantochloa Atroviolacea). Masalah yang sering terjadi pada material komposit serat alam adalah lemahnya ikatan antara serat dengan matriks dan cacat akibat produksi yang menyebabkan sifat mekanis kurang sesuai dengan aplikasinya. Proses pemanasan serat menggunakan microwave oven diharapkan mampu memperbaiki ikatan antara serat dan matriks. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh serat bambu wulung tanpa pemanasan dan serat bambu wulung pemanasan dengan daya 180 W, 300 W, dan 450 W dengan microwave oven dengan matriks Polyester terhadap kekuatan tarik dan kegagalan komposit.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu eksperimen serat bambu wulung tanpa pemanasan dan serat bambu wulung dengan variasi daya pemanasan 180 W, 300 W, dan 450 W dengan microwave oven. Serat dipanaskan di dalam microwave oven dengan daya 180 W, 300 W, dan 450 W selama 15 menit. Pembuatan spesimen komposit menggunakan metode hand lay up. Fraksi volume serat bambu wulung adalah sebesar 40%. Pengujian tarik menggunakan standar ASTM D-638.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kekuatan tarik antara komposit serat bambu wulung tanpa pemanasan dengan komposit serat bambu wulung variasi pemanasan daya 180 W, 300 W, dan 450 W pada microwave oven. Semakin besar daya pemanasan microwave oven semakin besar kekuatan tarik yang disebabkan menurunnya kelembapan serat dan zat penyusun alami pada serat seperti lapisan lignin, hemiselulosa, dan lilin sehingga ikatan antara serat dan matriks semakin baik. Hasil pengujian tarik komposit serat bambu wulung tanpa pemanasan dengan microwave oven sebesar 9,4791 MPa, dengan daya pemanasan 180 W sebesar 26,8639 MPa, dengan daya pemanasan 300 W sebesar 43,9685 MPa, dan dengan daya pemanasan 450 W sebesar 58,2884 MPa. Data pengamatan visual pada spesimen uji tarik kegagalan paling umum terjadi adalah fiber pull out, yaitu kegagalan yang diakibatkan ketidakmampuan matriks menahan beban yang diterimanya sehingga serat terlepas dari matriks dan kemudian patah karena gaya searah yang diterimanya.
Kata Kunci : Komposit, Microwave oven, Uji tarik, Serat bambu wulung, Polyester
Name : Fajar Dian Syahputra
Student ID Number : 16050754029
Study Program : Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Faculty : Technique
Institution : State University of Surabaya
Lecturer : Novi Sukma Drastiawati, S.T., M.Eng.
Increasing environmental awareness worldwide encourages research and development of materials that are environmentally friendly but still have light weight and have strong properties such as natural fiber reinforced composites. The use of metal plates on the back of the car seat is very inefficient because it can add to the weight of the car. It is necessary to innovate the material on the back of the car seat, one of which is using wulung bamboo fiber composite (Gigantochloa Atroviolacea). The problem that often occurs in natural fiber composite materials is the weakness of the bond between the fiber and the matrix and defects due to production which causes the mechanical properties to not match the application. The process of heating the fiber using a microwave oven is expected to improve the bond between the fiber and the matrix. This research was conducted to determine the effect of wulung bamboo fiber without heating and wulung bamboo fiber heating with a power of 180 W, 300 W, and 450 W with a microwave oven with a Polyester matrix on tensile strength and configuration failure.
The research method used was wulung bamboo fiber experiment without heating and wulung bamboo fiber with heating power variations of 180 W, 300 W, and 450 W with a microwave oven. The fibers will be heated in a microwave oven with a power of 180 W, 300 W, and 450 W for 15 minutes. Preparation of configuration specimens using the hand lay up method. The volume fraction of wulung bamboo fiber is 40%. Tensile testing using ASTM D-638 standard.
The results showed that there were differences in tensile strength between wulung bamboo fiber composites without heating and wulung bamboo fiber composites with heating power variations of 180 W, 300 W, and 450 W in a microwave oven. The greater the heating power of the microwave oven, the greater the tensile strength caused by the decrease in fiber moisture and the natural constituents of the fiber such as lignin, hemicellulose, and wax layers so that the bond between the fiber and the matrix is getting better. The results of the tensile test of the Wulung bamboo fiber composite without heating with a microwave oven were 9,4791 MPa, with a heating power of 180 W were 26,8639 MPa, with a heating power of 300 W were 43,9685 MPa, and with a heating power of 450 W amounted to 58,2884 MPa. Visual observation data on tensile test specimens The most common failure that occurs is fiber pull out, which is a failure caused by the inability of the matrix to withstand the load it receives so that the fiber is detached from the matrix and then breaks due to the unidirectional force it receives.
Keywords : Composite, Microwave oven, Tensile test, Wulung bamboo fiber, Polyester