Evaluation of the Internal Quality Management System within the Scope of Academic Services at the Naval Academy
ABSTRAK Dewantoro, Lucas. 2023. Evaluasi Sistem Managemen Mutu Internal dalam Lingkup Pelayanan Akademik di Akademi Angkatan Laut (AAL). Disertassi, Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M. Pd dan Kopromotor: Dr. Erny Roesminingsih, M.Si. Kata-kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Pelayanan Akademik, Sistem, Manajemen Mutu Internal Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengevaluasi secara menyeluruh Sistem Manajemen Mutu Internal Pelayanan Akademik di Akademi Angkatan Laut, dengan menggunakan pendekatan Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP). Fokus utama adalah untuk memahami konteks institusi, unsur-unsur input yang melibatkan kurikulum, sumber daya manusia, infrastruktur, serta proses dan hasil pelayanan akademik. Hasil evaluasi konteks menunjukkan bahwa AAL telah memiliki fondasi yang kuat dengan visi dan misi yang selaras dengan tujuan pendidikan militer. Namun, terdapat potensi untuk meningkatkan perencanaan sumber daya, terutama dalam hal fasilitas dan dana. Evaluasi input menunjukkan bahwa kurikulum AAL berorientasi pada pengembangan kepemimpinan dan keterampilan militer yang relevan. Meskipun staf akademik memiliki kualifikasi yang cukup, masih terdapat ruang untuk peningkatan pelatihan dan pengembangan profesional mereka. Taruna AAL memiliki potensi tinggi sebagai aset berharga. Dalam analisis proses, AAL telah melaksanakan pengajaran yang komprehensif dan evaluasi yang terstruktur. iii Proses pengajaran di AAL menekankan pengembangan kompetensi militer dan akademik secara menyeluruh. Meskipun umpan balik dari taruna dihargai, terdapat potensi untuk memperluas penggunaan umpan balik ini dalam perbaikan berkelanjutan. Hasil dari evaluasi produk menunjukkan pencapaian akademik taruna yang sangat positif, kualitas lulusan yang tinggi, serta dampak positif lulusan terhadap kekuatan dan pertahanan negara. Hal ini mencerminkan keberhasilan AAL dalam mencapai tujuan akademik taruna dan memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap kekuatan dan pertahanan negara. Implikasi dari penelitian ini merekomendasikan peningkatan perencanaan sumber daya, penyermpurnaan kurikulum, pelatihan dan pengembangan profesional staf akademik, serta penggunaan umpan balik taruna untuk perbaikan berkelanjutan. Selain itu, langkah-langkah perlu diambil untuk mempertahankan pencapaian akademik yang positif, meningkatkan kualitas lulusan, dan memperkuat dampak sosial dan ekonomi lulusan AAL terhadap kekuatan dan pertahanan negara.
ABSCTRACT Dewantoro, Lucas. 2023. Evaluation of the Internal Quality Management System within the Scope of Academic Services at the Naval Academy (AAL). Dissertation, Education Management Study Program, Surabaya State University Postgraduate. Promoter: Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M. Pd and Copromoter: Dr. Erny Roesminingsih, M.Sc. Keywords: Evaluation, Academic Services, System, Internal Quality Management The aim of this research was to comprehensively investigate and evaluate the Internal Quality Management System of Academic Services at the Naval Academy, utilizing the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) approach. The primary focus was to understand the institutional context, the input elements involving the curriculum, human resources, infrastructure, as well as the processes and outcomes of the academic services. The evaluation of the context revealed that the Naval Academy had a strong foundation with a vision and mission aligned with military education objectives. However, there was potential for improvement in resource planning, particularly in terms of facilities and funding. The evaluation of input demonstrated that the Naval Academy's curriculum was oriented towards the development of relevant leadership and military skills. Although the academic staff had sufficient qualifications, there was still room for enhancing their training and professional development. The Naval Academy's cadets exhibited high potential and were considered valuable assets. In the analysis of the process, the Naval Academy had implemented comprehensive teaching and structured evaluation v processes. The teaching process emphasized the holistic development of military and academic competencies. While feedback from the cadets was valued, there was potential for expanding the utilization of this feedback for continuous improvement. The evaluation of the product indicated highly positive academic achievements by the cadets, high quality of graduates, and the positive impact of the graduates on the strength and defense of the nation. This reflected the Naval Academy's success in attaining the academic goals of the cadets and making a significant contribution to the nation's strength and defense. The implications of this research recommend improvements in resource planning, curriculum refinement, training and professional development for the academic staff, as well as the utilization of cadet feedback for continuous improvement. Additionally, measures need to be taken to sustain positive academic achievements, enhance the quality of graduates, and strengthen the social and economic impact of Naval Academy graduates on the nation's strength and defense.