Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Tokoh Lin Xiangzhi pada Film 《一周的朋友》 One Week Friend Karya Gavin Lin
Illocutionary Speech Act of the Character Li Xiangzhi in the Film 《一周的朋友》One Week Friend by Gavin Lin
Bahasa digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan gagasan penutur kepada mitra tutur juga sebagai sarana untuk mengungkapkan perasaan atau maksud yang akan disampaikan kepada mitra tutur. Dalam suatu perisiwa tutur akan selalu menghasilkan tindak tutur, penutur harus menggunakan tuturan yang tepat agar dapat dipahami oleh mitra tutur. Perbedaan konteks dalam peristiwa tutur menyebabkan munculnya berbagai macam tuturan, salah satu tindak tutur yang sering dijumpai dalam kehidupan sehari- hari adalah tindak tutur ilokusi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi Searle dan fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi Leech. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan sumber data dari Film 《一周的朋友》 One Week Friend Karya Gavin Lin. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan simak bebas libas cakap. Penelitian ini menghasilkan lima bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi berupa tindak tutur ilokusi asertif, tindak tutur ilokusi direktif, tindak tutur ilokusi komisif, tindak tutur ilokusi ekspresif, dan tindak tutur ilokusi deklaratif serta empat fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi yaitu fungsi kompetitif, fungsi menyenangkan, fungsi bekerja sama, dan fungsi pertentangan. Berdasarkan analisis data, ditemukan bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi asertif sebanyak 30 data, bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi direktif sebanyak 11 data, bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi komisif sebanyak 2 data, bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi ekspresif sebanyak 16 data, dan bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi deklaratif sebanyak 2 data. Ditemukan fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi sebanyak 15 fungsi kompetitif, 8 fungsi menyenangkan, 22 fungsi bekerja sama, dan 16 fungsi pertentangan.
Kata Kunci : Film, Tindak Tutur, Tindak Tutur Ilokusi, One Week Friend, Lin Xiangzhi
Language is used as a means to convey the speaker’s ideas to the interlocutor as well as a means to express feelings or intentions that will be conveyed to the interlocutor. In a speech event, it will always produce a speech act, the speaker must use the correct speech so that it can be understood by the speech partner. Differences in context in speech events cause the emergence of various types of speech, one of the speech acts that is often encountered in everyday life is illocutionary speech acts. This research aims to describe the form of Searle’s illocutionary speech act and the function of Leech’s illocutionary speech act. This research uses descriptive qualitative research using data sources from the film 《一周的朋友》One Week Friend by Gavin Lin. The data collection technique uses free listening and speaking. This research produces five forms of illocutionary speech acts in the form of assertive illocutionary speech acts, directive illocutionary speech acts, commissive illocutionary speech acts, expressive illocutionary speech acts, and declarative illocutionary speech acts as well as four functions of illocutionary speech acts, namely competitive function, fun function, cooperative function, and the opposition function. Based on data analysis, 30 data forms of assertive illocutionary speech acts were found, 11 data forms of directive illocutionary speech acts, 2 data forms of commissive illocutionary speech acts, 16 data forms of expressive illocutionary speech acts, and 2 data forms of declarative illocutionary speech acts. It was found that the functions of illocutionary speech acts were 15 competitive functions, 8 convivial functions, 22 cooperative functions, and 16 conflictive functions.
Keyword : Films, Speech Acts, Illocutionary Speech Acts, One Week Friend, Lin Xiangzhi