Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan multimedia interaktif berbasis Articulate Storyline pada materi tekanan zat cair kelas VIII yang layak secara teoritis dan empiris serta mendeskripsikan kelayakan teoritis dan empiris media untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan analisis deskriptif kuantitaf dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa multimedia interaktif berbasis Articulate Storyline layak secara teoritis dan empiris. Kelayakan teoritis ditinjau dari hasil validasi media yang menunjukkan modus sangat baik. Kelayakan empiris dalam segi kepraktisan ditinjau dari keterlaksanaan pembelajaran menunjukkan modus sangat baik dan aktivitas dominan pada mempelajari materi melalui media sebesar 30,7%. Kelayakan empiris dalam segi keefektifan ditinjau dari respon positif siswa sebesar 91,21% dan peningkatan hasil belajar dengan N-Gain 0,68.
Kata Kunci: multimedia interaktif, Articulate Storyline, tekanan zat cair, hasil belajar.
This research aims to produce interactive multimedia based on Articulate Storyline in liquid pressure material for 8th grade that is feasible theoretically and empirically, and describing the theoretical and empirical feasibility of media to improve student learning outcomes. The research method used is Research and Development (R & D) with quantitative descriptive analysis and data collection techniques using observation and test methods. The results showed that interactive multimedia based on Articulate Storyline in liquid pressure material was theoretically and empirically feasible. Theoretical feasibility is seen from the results of media validation which shows a very good mode. Empirical feasibility (practicality) in terms of learning implementation shows a very good mode and the dominant activity in learning material through the media is 30.7%. Empirical feasibility (effectiveness) in terms of students' positive responses amounted to 91.21% and increased learning outcomes with N-Gain 0.68.
Keywords: interactive multimedia, Articulate Storyline, liquid pressure, learning outcomes.