Physical education is an educational process through physical activity that is expected to encourage students' development and maintenance of physical fitness. Physical education is closely related to fundamental movement patterns, namely, a basic pattern of behavior that can be observed through locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative activities. Physical education in elementary schools essentially has a strategic role and functions to create a healthy and dynamic society. Activities in physical education that are carried out are indeed expected to form good motor skills. This study aimed to determine the motor movements of fourth-grade elementary school students. This type of descriptive research is a study that seeks to describe the object or subject under investigation. The population in this study were all Grade IV students of the Gugus 1 state elementary school in Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon, Mojokerto City, totaling 122 students as the total sampling. This means that all fourth-grade students of the Gugus 1 state elementary school, Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon, were used as research subjects (respondents). The instruments used are the Stork Stand Positional Balance Test, the Throw and Catch the Ball Test, the 40-meter sprint test, and the shuttle-run test.
Based on the results of research data analyzed using data analysis techniques, it can be seen the results of the motor skills of elementary school students including SD Negeri Miji, SD Negeri Kauman, SD Negeri Prajurit Kulon, SD Negeri Mentikan, and SD Negeri Kranggan. A total of 122 students are known there are eight students (6.6%) get excellent results, 31 students (25.4%) get good results, 37 students (30.3%) get intermediate results, 41 students (33.6%) get poor results, and five students (4.1%) get inferior results. So it can be concluded that the fourth-grade students of the Gugus 1 State Elementary School, Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon, Mojokerto City, have a relatively balanced level of motor ability in the balance and coordination domain, while the speed domain shows a reasonably high or excellent value and is not shown in the agility aspect
Keywords: Movement Ability, Motoric