Mental health telah menjadi isu global. Menjaga kesehatan mental sama pentingnya dengan kesehatan fisik. Data Kemenkes 1 dari 10 mengalami masalah Kesehatan mental, prevalensi paling besar adalah usia remaja. BTS sebagai salah satu musisi yang memberikan pesan motivasi termasuk mental health dalam lagunya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsi representasi pesan mental health dalam lagu “Blue & Grey” karya BTS . Untuk itu, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode semiotika milik Charles Sanders Peirce dan teori Psikoanalisis Sigmun Freud. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan dokumentasi terkait objek penelitian yaitu lagu “Blue & Grey” karya BTS. Hasil analisis didasarkan trikotomi Peirce yang diuraikan melalui Sign, Object, dan Interpretant pada lirik lagu “Blue & Grey”. Peneliti menemukan tanda atau simbol yang merepresentasikan mental health dalam lagu yaitu burnout, anxiety, depresi, denial. Hasil analisis menunjukkan lagu “Blue & Grey” karya BTS menggambarkan mental health secara kompleks. Dimensi burnout yang direpresentasikan dalam lirik lagu sesuai dengan dimensi burnout menurut Maslach dan sesuai dengan realitas kehidupan yang dialami individu dalam masyarakat, terutama remaja. Namun, terdapat juga semangat positivisme dan resiliensi dalam lirik lagu.
Mental health has become a global issue. Maintaining mental health is as important as physical health. Data from the Ministry of Health shows that 1 in 10 experience mental health problems, with the highest prevalence in adolescence. BTS is one of the musicians who provide motivational messages including mental health in their songs. This study aims to describe the representation of mental health messages in the song “Blue & Grey” by BTS. For this reason, this research uses a qualitative approach with Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic method and Sigmun Freud's Psychoanalysis theory. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and documentation related to the object of research, namely the song “Blue & Grey” by BTS. The results of the analysis are based on Peirce's trichotomy described through Sign, Object, and Interpretant in the lyrics of the song “Blue & Gray”. Researchers found signs or symbols that represent mental health in songs, namely burnout, anxiety, depression, denial. The results of the analysis show that the song “Blue & Gray” by BTS describes mental health in a complex manner. The burnout dimension represented in the song lyrics is in accordance with the dimensions of burnout according to Maslach and in accordance with the reality of life experienced by individuals in society, especially adolescents. However, there is also a spirit of positivity and resilience in the lyrics.