Zaima, 2020. Influence Of Blended
Learning Against Computational Thinking Students On Basic Programming Subjects in
term of Self-Efficacy Students. Thesis, Department of Technology and Vocational
Education, Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Advisor : (1)
Prof. Dr. Munoto, M.Pd dan (II) Dr. I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto, S.T., M.T
Keywords :
Blended learning, computational thinking, self efficacy
The research aims to: (1) Analyze the computational thinking differences
students taught with blended learning and direct instruction on the basic
programming subjects; (2) Analyze the computational thinking difference
students who have self efficacy low and self efficacy high; and (3) Analyze
interactions between learning models (blended learning and direct instruction)
and self efficacy students against computational thinking students on basic
programming subjects.
This research is an experimental study using factorial design. Affordable
populations of student grade X multimedia in SMKN 10 Surabaya. Research samples
are divided into 2 groups namely, (1) the experimental group is a group of
students who are taught with blended learning; dan (2) the control group is a
group of students who are taught with a direct instruction.
The results of this study indicate that: (1) Computational thinking
students who are taught with blended learning are significantly higher than
computational thinking students who are taught using the direct instruction;
(2) computational thinking students with high self efficacy, higher than
computational thinking students with low self efficacy on basic programming
subjects; dan (3) there is an interaction between learning models (blended
learning and direct instruction) and self efficacy towards students'
computational thinking on basic programming subjects.