Small sided games menjadi metode latihan kondisional fisik pada sepakbola yang sering diterapkan dengan metode memanipulasi variabel pelatihan seperti jumlah pemain, area dan aturan pelatihan pada rasio durasi yang telah ditentukan. Penelitian ini berusaha memberikan semua rangkuman dari hasil penelitian studi pustaka terdahulu. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan dengan teknik matriks sintesis dalam proses review. Penelitian terdahulu sebagai bahan literature review didapat dari jual pada laman googleschoolar, sciencedirect, research direct, dan zlibrary dengan kriteria telah dipublikasi minimal tahun 2010 dengan fokus penelitian systematic review mengenai small sided games. Total ada 17 jurnal telah direview dengan fokus manipulasi pelatihan small sided games hingga pengaruh fisik, teknik, respons fisiologis jangka pendek dan panjang dari proses pelatihan. Hasil review menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh dari pelatihan small sided games menunjukkan hasil yang beragam bergantung pada intervensi dari manipulasi yang diterapkan. Manipulasi dan konfigurasi dari pelatihan small sided games dapat dilakukan melalui jumlah pemain, area latihan, peraturan passing-controlling, durasi pelatihan, penambahan kiper, motivasi pelatih hingga sarana-prasaran pendukung. Pengaruh jangka pendek dan panjang hasil pelatihan ini belum terstandarisasi dari periodisasi latihan yang ditetapkan, namun pengaruh dari pelatihan memiliki kontribusi yang positif terhadap peningkatan fisik, respons fisiologis, teknik dan taktik bermain pemain sepakbola. Simpulan penelitian adalah pelatihan small sided games memiliki pengaruh berbeda-beda bergantung variabel intervensi yang diberikan dan sesuai dengan tujuan peningkatan yang ingin dicapai pada aspek fisik, teknik, taktik, atau respons fisiologis pemain.
Kata Kunci : Sepakbola, small side games, latihan daya tahan
Small sided games are a method of physical conditional training in football which is often applied by manipulating training variables such as the number of players, areas and training rules at a predetermined duration ratio. This study tries to provide all the summaries of the results of previous literature studies. The research uses a literature study method with a synthesis matrix technique in the review process. Previous research as literature review material was obtained from selling on the googleschoolar, sciencedirect, research direct, and zlibrary pages with the criteria of having been published at least in 2010 with a focus on systematic review research on small sided games. A total of 17 journals have been reviewed with a focus on the manipulation of small-sided games training to the physical, technical, short- and long-term effects of the training process. The results of the review show that the effect of small-sided games training shows varying results depending on the intervention of the manipulation applied. Manipulation and configuration of small sided games training can be done through the number of players, practice areas, passing-controlling rules, training duration, addition of goalkeepers, coach motivation to supporting infrastructure. The short and long term effects of this training result have not been standardized from the specified training period, but the effect of training has a positive contribution to physical improvement, physiological responses, techniques and tactics of playing football players. The conclusion of the study is that small sided games training has different effects depending on the intervention variables given and according to the improvement goals to be achieved on the physical, technical, tactical, or physiological aspects of the player's response..
Keywords: Football, small side games, endurance training