implementasi metode sq3r dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca novel bagi tunanetra
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan implementasi metode SQ3R untuk individu
tunanetra. Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan fakta dibutuhkannya solusi agar tunanetra
mampu memahami isi bacaan novel secara maksimal. Metode penelitian studi literatur ini
menggunakan protokol penelitian FIP UNESA yang meliputi pencarian data, pemilihan data dan
analisa data. Pencarian data dilakukan dengan mencari jurnal terakredreditasi nasional maupun
internasional pada platform digital seperti Google Scholar, Science Direct, Springer, SINTA,
GARUDA dan Crossref. Data ini kemudian dipilah berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan untuk
selanjutnya dianalisa menggunakan teknik kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
prosedur implementasi metode SQ3R dalam keterampilan membaca novel pada tunanetra dapat
dilakukan dengan sebagai berikut: (1) Survey, dilaksanakan dengan membaca bagian awal
novel, seperti judul novel, nama pengarang, penerbit, synopsis, dan daftar isi; (2) Question,
merupakan proses pengajuan pertanyaan baik lisan maupun tulisan. (3) Read, proses
membaca secara keseluruhan dengan tambahan durasi waktu yang lebih lama bagi tunanetra
dan cara membaca yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi tunanetra yang mana dapat
menggunakan braille, audio, maupun buku digital (ebook); (4) Recite, dalam tahap ini,
dilakukan proses menjawab pertanyaan dan memperkuat pemahaman yang bersifat
imaginasi visual yang ada dalam novel; (5) Review, merupakan prosedur peninjauan
kembali isi bacaan dengan menggunakan Bahasa sendiri baik lisan maupun tulisan.
Kata Kunci: Metode SQ3R, Membaca Novel, Tunanetra
The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the SQ3R method for blind person.
The research was conducted based on the fact that a solution was needed so that blind person were
able to understand the contents of the novel. This literature review research method uses the UNESA
FIP research protocol which includes data search, data selection and data analysis. The data search
was carried out by searching for national and international accredited journals on digital platforms
such as Google Scholar, Science Direct, Springer, SINTA, GARUDA and Crossref. This data is then
sorted based on the specified criteria for further analysis using descriptive qualitative techniques. The
results showed that the procedure for implementing the SQ3R method in novel reading skills for the
blind can be carried out as follows: (1) Survey, carried out by reading the beginning of the novel,
such as the title of the novel, author's name, publisher, synopsis, and table of contents; (2) Question,
is the process of asking questions both verbally and in writing. (3) Read, the process of reading as a
whole with the addition of a longer duration of time for the visually impaired and how to read adapted
to the condition of the blind, which can use braille, audio, or electronic book (4) Recite, in this stage,
the process of answering questions and strengthening the understanding that is visual imagination is
carried out in the novel; (5) Review, is a procedure for reviewing the contents of the reading by using
their own language, both spoken and written.
Keyword: SQ3R Method, Novel Reading, blind