Mendayung merupakan salah satu olahraga yang sarana utamanya ialah air dan dayung. Cabang olahraga dayung ada yang bersifat permainan dan bersifat perlombaan. Olahraga dayung membutuhkan kondisi fisik yang baik. Beberapa komponen kondisi fisik antara lain: kekuatan, daya tahan, Power, dan Kulentukkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi fisik para atlet dayung Provinsi Jawa Timur. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan ex-post. sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah 12 atlet dayung Provinsi Jawa Timur. Hasil kondisi fisik atlet dayung Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan frekuensi terbanyak berada pada kategori baik dari 12 pendayung yang mengikuti 9 item tes yang telah diberikan. Analisis Kondisi Fisik Atlet Dayung Provinsi Jawa Timur yang pada tes sit up baik 33%, kurang 50%, kurang sekali 17%, pada tes chin up baik 100%, kurang 0%, kurang sekali 0%, pada tes 1 hand grip right and left baik 100%, kurang 0%, kurang sekali 0%, pada tes 3 rm bench pull (1,3xbb) baik 100%, kurang 0%, kurang sekali 0%, pada tes single leg right baik 100%, kurang 0%, kurang sekali 0%, pada tes single leg left baik 83%, kurang 17%, kurang sekali 0%, 3 rm bench press baik 75%, kurang 25%, kurang sekali 0%, pada tes 100 m ergo baik 25%, kurang 75%, kurang sekali 0%, pada tes 2000 m ergo baik 42%, kurang 42%, kurang sekali 16%, pada tes sit and reach baik 75%, kurang 9%, kurang sekali 16%. Penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya pengelolaan kondisi fisik yang tepat dalam atlet dayung untuk meningkatkan performa mereka. Implikasi praktis dari penelitian ini dapat membantu pelatih dan staf kebugaran dalam merancang program latihan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan atlet.
Kata Kunci : Analisis, Dayung, Kondisi Fisik
Canoeing is one of the sports where the primary equipment is water and paddles. The sport of canoeing can be classified as both recreational and competitive. Canoeing requires good physical condition. Some components of physical fitness include: strength, endurance, power, and flexibility. The aim of this study is to assess the physical condition of the canoeing athletes from East Java Province. This research uses a descriptive quantitative research method with an ex-post approach. The sample used in this study consisted of 12 canoeing athletes from East Java Province. The results of the physical condition of the canoeing athletes from East Java Province show that the majority of the athletes fall under the 'good' category from the 12 paddlers who participated in the 9 tests given. The analysis of the physical condition of East Java’s canoeing athletes based on the following tests is as follows: in the sit-up test, 33% were good, 50% were poor, and 17% were very poor; in the chin-up test, 100% were good, 0% were poor, and 0% were very poor; in the 1 hand grip (right and left) test, 100% were good, 0% were poor, and 0% were very poor; in the 3 RM bench pull (1.3xBB) test, 100% were good, 0% were poor, and 0% were very poor; in the single leg right test, 100% were good, 0% were poor, and 0% were very poor; in the single leg left test, 83% were good, 17% were poor, and 0% were very poor; in the 3 RM bench press test, 75% were good, 25% were poor, and 0% were very poor; in the 100 m ergo test, 25% were good, 75% were poor, and 0% were very poor; in the 2000 m ergo test, 42% were good, 42% were poor, and 16% were very poor; in the sit and reach test, 75% were good, 9% were poor, and 16% were very poor. This study highlights the importance of proper management of physical condition in canoeing athletes to improve their performance. The practical implications of this research can assist coaches and fitness staff in designing training programs that meet the specific needs of the athletes.
Keywords: Analysis, Canoeing, Physical Condition