Hasil survey yang dilaksanakan di SMKN 1 Surabaya, menurut Ibu Rodiah S,Pd guru pengampu mata pelajaran Pemograman Dasar di kelas X MM menyatakan dalam proses pembelajaran beliau masih menggunakan model konvensional yakni guru menyampaikan materi di dalam kelas dan memberikan tugas untuk dikerjakan di rumah. Penyampaian materi menggunakan media Microsoft Powerpoint dan menggunakan perpaduan antara metode ceramah dan pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Dengan demikian artinya pembelajaran berpusat pada guru dan siswa menjadi pasif sehingga tidak sedikit siswa akan merasa bosan dan lebih memilih berbicara dengan temannya dibandingkan mendengarkan penjelasan guru sehingga guru menjadi susah untuk mengkondisikan kelas. Kondisi kelas yang demikian berdampak pada pemahaman belajar siswa yaitu hasrat untuk belajar, memiliki kepercayaan diri, manajemen diri, melakukan kontrol diri dan memiliki disiplin diri dalam belajar.
Dalam bidang pendidikan saat ini web learning sangatlah penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas dunia pendidikan. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi saat ini muncul terobosan baru dibidang pendidikan yang lebih efisien dan hemat biaya. Salah satu inovasi dalam penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri yakni dengan memanfaatkan Web sebagai media sarana dalam proses pembelajarannya. Gatot (dalam Prasetyo & Meini 2013) mendefinisikan web learning sebagai aplikasi edukasi dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran
The results of a survey conducted at SMKN 1 Surabaya, according to Ms. Rodiah S, at the Elementary Programming teacher in the X MM class stated that in the learning process he still uses the conventional model of the teacher delivering the material in class and giving assignments to do at home. Submission of material using Microsoft Powerpoint media and using a combination of lecture methods and problem-based learning. Thus it means that learning is centered on the teacher and students become passive so that not a few students will feel bored and prefer to talk with their friends rather than listening to the teacher's explanation so that the teacher becomes difficult to condition the class. Such classroom conditions have an impact on student understanding of learning, namely the desire to learn, have self-confidence, self-management, self-control and selfdiscipline in learning
In the current field of education web learning is very important to improve the quality of the world of education. With the development of technology, new breakthroughs have emerged in the field of education that are more efficient and costeffective. One of the innovations in the application of inquiry learning model is by utilizing the Web as a means of media in the learning process. Gatot (in Prasetyo & Meini 2013) defines web learning as an educational application that can be used for learning.
This research uses the waterfall method. The instruments used were observation sheets, response questionnaires, material questionnaires, media questionnaires, question questionnaires, RPP questionnaires, pretest and posttest questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used were Paired Sample T-Test. Analysis of the results of student response questionnaires shows that web-based inquiry learning can impart student responses in learning by obtaining the results of a 95% rating. The results showed that the average value of learning outcomes before learning 27.5 and after learning 53.6. Based on the analysis of the difference in the two average values obtained by sig (2-tailed) 0.200> 0.05, it can be concluded that there are significant differences between learning outcomes before and after learning using a web-based inquiry learning model. Overall the results of the study showed a significant value between initial understanding and understanding after learning and the results of student questionnaire responses so that the web-based inkuri learning model had differences in responses and student learning outcomes (Wicaksono, 2018)