Penelitian Iini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan buku teks bahasa Mandarin “汉语教材” bagi siswa SMA kelas X semester gasal berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 revisi 2016, dan mendeskripsikan hasil kualitas yang meliputi kualitas kevalidan, keefektifan, dan kepraktisan pengembangan buku teks bahasa Mandarin “汉语教材” bagi siswa SMA kelas X semester gasal berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 revisi 2016. Model pengembangan penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4D, yaitu tahap define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan), dan disseminate (penyebaran). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada tahap define (pendefinisian) meliputi tahap analisis ujung depan, analisis siswa, analisis tugas, analisis konsep, dan analisis tujuan pembelajaran.Tahap design (perancangan) meliputi pemilihan format buku teks dan desain awal buku teks. Tahap develop (pengembangan) meliputi validasi, uji coba, dan revisi.
Dari Hasil penelitian pengembangan ini dapat diketahui bahwa pengembangan buku teks ini memiliki kualitas kevalidan, keefektifan dan kepraktisan yang dinilai baik. Untuk melihat hasil kevalidan buku teks yang dikembangkan dapat diketahui dari rekapitulasi nilai yang dilakukan oleh 3 validator ahli yaitu validasi ahli materi, desain, dan guru bahasa mandarin yang bernilai rata-rata 4. Untuk melihat hasil keefektifan diketahui nilai yang diperoleh dari hasil pretes-posttes uji coba terbatas dan luas , rata-rata hasil pre-test uji coba terbatas (61,2), post-test uji coba terbatas (85.8), dan pre-test uji coba luas (55.37), post-test uji coba luas (82.5). Untuk melihat hasil kepraktisan diketahui nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh dari hasil angket respon siswa uji coba terbatas (82,3%) dan uji coba luas (78,77%).
This research aims to describe the process of developing the Chinese textbook "汉语 教材" for odd grade X high school students based on the 2016 revised 2013 curriculum, and describe the quality results which include the quality of validity, effectiveness, and practicality of the development of Mandarin textbooks "汉语 教材" for odd grade X high school students based on the 2013 revised 2016 curriculum. The research development model uses the 4D development model, namely the define, design, develop, and disseminate stages. Based on the results of the research at the define stage (definition) includes the front end analysis stage, student analysis, task analysis, concept analysis, and analysis of learning objectives.
The design phase includes the selection of the textbook format and the initial design of the textbook. The develop phase includes validation, testing and revision.
From the results of this development research it can be seen that the development of this textbook has a validity, effectiveness and practicality that is considered good. To see the results of the validity of the developed textbooks, it can be seen from the recapitulation of scores conducted by 3 expert validators, namely the validation of the material expert, design, and mandarin language teacher with an average value of 4. To see the effectiveness results, the values obtained from the pretest-posttest results limited and extensive trials, the average results of pre-limited trials (61.2), post-tests of limited trials (85.8), and pre-tests of large trials (55.37), post-tests of large trials ( 82.5). To see the practicality results it is known that the average value obtained from the results of the questionnaire responses of students ilimitrials (82.3%)
and extensive trials (78.77%).