Pengembangan Media Audiovisual Berbasis Power Point Untuk Meningkatan Keterampilan Tari
Pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 1 Ngraho Bojongoro belum terdapat media, sehingga pembelajaran Seni Budaya kurang diminati peserta didik. Dengan metode R&D, penelitian dibatasi melalui lima tahap, yaitu (1) Pengumpulan Data, (2) Perencanaan, (3) Pengembangan Produk, (4) Validasi dan Uji Coba, (5) Uji Coba Produk. Perolehan data menggunakan acuan tabel skala likert yang dikembangkan oleh Widoyoko (2009: 238) pada Pendekatan Acuan Patokan (PAP). Tahap uji coba produk dilakukan dengan sasaran menggunakan 2 kelas, antara lain kelas VIIIA dan kelas VIIIB yang terdiri dari 20 peserta didik. Sebelum media diuji cobakan ke peserta didik, media harus terlebih dahulu melakukan tahap validasi oleh ahli materi, media dan bahasa. Hasil penilaian kelayakan mendapatkan nilai rata-rata 4,2 berarti sangat baik. Hasil penilaian keefektivan media ke peserta didik oleh guru Seni Budaya di kelas VIIIA dengan tidak menggunakan media audiovisual berbasis power point memiliki nilai rata-rata 3,4 berarti cukup, sebaliknya dengan menggunakan media audiovisual berbasis power point di kelas VIIIB memiliki nilai rata-rata 4,2 berarti sangat baik, maka dari itu dapat disimpulkan, media ini layak untuk media pembelajaran pada tingkat SMP khususnya di SMP Negeri 1 Ngraho Bojonegoro. Secara signifikan efektif meningkatkan keterampilan tari kelas VIII untuk pembelajaran Seni Budaya bidang Seni Tari.
Kata kunci: Pengembangan, Media Pembelajaran.
There was no learning media in the teaching and learning activity in the SMP Negeri 1 Ngraho Bojonegoro, otherwise the students tend to feel teaching and learning activity is unactractive. Through R&D research methodology, this research was conducted into five steps, those were (1) data collection, (2) research design, (3) learning media development (4) test and validation and (5) learning media testing. The research data had been collected through libert table scale matrix that had been developed by Widoyoko (2009: 238) in the Pendekatan Acuan Patokan (PAP) or Benchmark Reference Approach. Learning media testing process was conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Ngraho Bojonegoro using two experimental classes, those experimental classes were VIII A class and VIII B with 20 total amount of students in each class. Before the researcher conduct the learning media testing to the students, the learning media should be validated through learning material, learning media and language expert. The result of validation by the experts showed that the learning media had 4,2 score in validation. This score means that the learning media was categorize as very good in terms of appropriateness of learning media. The effectiveness assestment student’s learning media was evaluated by culture and art teacher in VIII A class with non using PowerPoint based learning media showed that the average score was 3,4. The score can be categorized as good enough in the teaching and learning activity, while the effectiveness assestment student’s learning media with using PowerPoint based in VIII B class’s average score was 4,2. The score can be categorized as very good in terms of appropriateness in the teaching and learning activity. Based on on the results of this study, the researcher concluded that PowerPoint based audiovisual learning media is considered as appropriate learning media for the junior highschool especially in SMP Negeri 1 Ngraho Bojonegoro. Significantly, the PowerPoint based audiovisual learning media is effective to increase student’s dance movement skills in the movement and dance formation learning material of VIII grade for the art and culture lesson of dancing art subjects.
Keywords: Development, learning media.