Wahyu Intan Rahmawati
Study Program : Bachelor of Javanese
Language and Literature Education
Name of Institution :
Surabaya State University
Supervisor :
Drs. Sukarman., M.Si.
Year :
The tradition of nyekar dipundhen Mbah
Putri Ayu is a form of semi-oral folklore that is still developing among the
people of Gedongombo Village, Semanding District, Tuban Regency. The nyekar
tradition is carried out by the people of Gedongombo village, namely as a form
of community gratitude for all the blessings in the lives of the people of
Gedongombo village. The aims of this research are, 1) to explain the beginnings
of the village and the nyekar tradition, 2) to explain the procedures for the
nyekar tradition in Mbah Putri Ayu, 3 ) explaining the offerings and meaning of
the nyekar tradition in Mbah Putri Ayu's punden, 4) explaining the benefits of
the nyekar tradition in Mbah Putri Ayu's punden, 5) explaining the beliefs of
Mbah Putri Ayu's nyekar dipunden tradition, 6) explaining how to preserve the
nyekar dipunden tradition of Mbah Putri Ayu.. method used in this research is
descriptive qualitative. Using interview techniques, observation and recording.
The research instrument consists of a researcher, a list of questions, and
supporting tools.
The results of research on the nyekar
tradition in Mbah Putri Ayu's punden are that the beginning of the existence of
Gedongombombo village was because the land was large and there were many trees
in the area. Then the beginning of the nyekar yaiku tradition began when the
king's daughter, who had a very beautiful face, meditated in a cave in the bowels of
the earth and died and was buried behind the cave. The procedures for
implementing this tradition are 1) preparation, starting with the activity of
cleaning the punden, and preparing offerings, 2) implementation, starting with
the activity of burning strawberries and menyan, reading ujub and prayers,
murak tumpeng, and giving treats at the pundhen kabuat. 3) Lastly, wash your
feet. The offerings and the meaning of each offering are 1) rice porridge which
is a symbol of rejecting balak, 2) market snacks which means safety and
prosperity, 3) tumpeng, a cone shape as a symbol of the strong will of the
community, 4) roast chicken which means gratitude to Allah, 5) kuluban, means
being able to achieve the glory of life and being able to maintain harmony, 6)
banana, meaning that society has a sense of gratitude for the gifts of nature.
The meaning of the nyekar tradition in Mbah Putri Ayu's pundhen is that it is a
form of gratitude from the community for all of God's gifts, then it is also
interpreted by the community as a way to unite the Gedongombo village
community, and finally it is interpreted as being able to launch and also
realize the wishes and hopes of the Gedongombo village community. Then TNIPMPA
also has benefits 1) as a projection system, which is a form of community
respect for ancestral heritage, 2) as a means of education, to introduce or
convey the meaning of this tradition so that people can know the true nature of
the nyekar tradition carried out by the community. 3) as a tool of social
control, that is, it can be used as a tool to limit people's behavior, 4) as a
tool of cultural validation, TNIPMPA can be used as a characteristic of
Gedongombo village. TNIPMPA has other benefits, namely 1) religious benefits,
2) cultural preservation, 3) economic benefits, and 4) social benefits. To
preserve this tradition, you can carry out and maintain this tradition and you
can also use social media.