Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan mendapatkan data informasi hasil tes fisik atlet lompat jangkit TC Khusus Jatim, di samping itu untuk membandingkan hasil tes fisik, Serta sebagai bahan evaluasi hasil tes fisik atlet lompat jangkit. Jenis penelitian ini kuantitatif dengan metode pendekatan deskriptif ex-post facto. Salah satu aspek penting dalam pencapaian prestasi adalah aspek kondisi fisik. Ada beberapa unsur kondisi fisik yang di butuh kan dalam lompat jangkit antaranya kekuatan, kecepatan, keseimbangan, kulentukkan, daya tahan otot, dan power. Berbagai unsur tersebut harus di kembangkan semaksimal mungkin untuk mendapatkan performa terbaik. Kualitas kondisi fisik atlet dapat dilihat dengan dilakukannya tes dan pengukuran.
Hasil penelitian tes kondisi fisik atlet lompat jangkit tahun 2019 dan tahun 2020 TC khusus Jatim yaitu speed rata-rata mengalami penurunan ditahun 2020 sebanyak 1,00%,BagandLagmengalami peningkatan sebanyak 14,50% dan 17%.Tessit and reach rata-rata tidak mengalami peningkatan atau penurunan yaitu 41. Tes sit up dan push up rata-rata mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 4,50% dan 5%.balancebeamrata-rata mengalami peningkatan14%. Vertical jump dan force plate rata-rata mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 13% dan 24%.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan hasil tes kondisi fisik atlet lompat jangkit TC khusus Jatim tahun 2019 dan 2020 terlihat pada beberapa item tes seperti sit and reach, vertical jump, Back and Leg, pus hup, sit up, balance beam, dan force plate. Dimana item tes tersebut mengalami peningkatan. Akan tetapi ada beberapa item tes yang tidak mengalami peningkatan bahkan lebih baik ditahun 2019 seperti speed dan sit up yang mengalami penurunan di tahun 2020.
Kata Kunci: Kondisi Fisik , Lompat Jangkit, Tes dan Pengukuran
This study aims to obtain data and information from the physical test results of athletes jumping tc Special East Java in 2019 and 2020, in addition to comparing physical test results, as well as evaluation materials from the test results of physical conditions of athletes jumping infections in different years. This type of research is quantitative with descriptive approach method. For data retrieval is used ex - post facto method or compare pre-existing data. One of the important aspects in achieving achievement in athletics, especially in the jump number, is the physical condition aspect. There are several elements of physical condition that are needed in jump infection including strength, speed, balance, flexibility, muscle endurance, and power. These elements must be developed to the maximum extent possible to get the best performance. The quality of an athlete's physical condition can be seen by conducting tests and measurements.
The results prove that the physical condition test results of athletes jump infection in 2019 and 2020 TC specifically East Java, namely the average speed of 4.76 to 4.55 decreased in 2020 by 1.00%, Bag and Lag increased by 14.50% with average back muscle strength in 2019 from 84.5 to 108 in 2020 for limb muscles in 2019 averaging 117 to 140 in 2020 and an increase of 17%. The average sit and rich test did not increase or decrease to 41. Average sit up and push up tests increased by 4.50% with an average of 23.5 in 2019 to 42.5 in 2020 and push up by an average of 28 in 2019 to 35.5 in 2020 and increased by 5%. average balance beam increased by 14% with an average of 81 2019 while 2020 103.5, vertical jump and force plate on average increased by 13% and 24%with an average in 2019 70 to 73.5 in 2020 and in 2019 133 to 398.5 in 2020. Based on the results of this study shows that there are differences in the physical condition test results of athletes jumping tc infection specifically jatim in 2019 and 2020 seen in some test items such as sit and reach, vertical jump (leg muscle strength), Back and Leg, push up, sit ups, balance beams, and force plates where the above test items have increased. However, there are some test items that have not improved and are even better in 2019 such as speed and sit ups that have decreased in 2020.
Keywords: Physical Condition, Jump Infection, Tests and Measurements