Zonasi pedagang pada pasar tradisional merupakan cara pemerintah untuk membuat pasar lebih tertata rapi, tidak kumuh, kotor, bahkan tidak menyebabkan kemacetan. Melalui Peraturan Bupati Kabupaten Probolinggo No.72 Tahun 2018 pemerintah daerah melakukan zonasi pedagang dengan merelokasi pedagang pelataran di pasar Semampir ke bangunan lantai dua pasar. Tujuan penelitian untuk melakukan analisis terhadap implementasi kebijakan relokasi pedagang pelataran di pasar Semampir. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan kualitatif jenis penelitian deskriptif, terdapat 2 jenis sumber data yaitu sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder dengan analisis data model interaktif. Fokus penelitian menggunakan teori implementasi kebijakan Jan Merse yaitu informasi, isi kebijakan, dukungan masyarakat, pembagian potensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan relokasi pedagang pelataran di pasar Semampir tidak berhasil, para pedagang enggan untuk menempati bangunan lantai dua pasar. Dari segi informasi kebijakan sudah cukup baik penyampaian informasi relokasi pedagang pelataran ke lantai dua pasar dilakukan jauh hari sebelum proses relokasi. Isi kebijakan yang mengatur sudah sesuai yaitu tentang pengelolaan, pengembangan, dan relokasi pasar. Dari segi dukungan masyarakat masih sangat kurang, pedagang beralasan bangunan lantai dua tidak strategis, susahnya akses menuju lantai dua, kurangnya fasilitas pendukung seperti kamar mandi, mushala, serta kurangnya minat pembeli untuk berbelanja di lantai dua. Pembagian potensi sudah sesuai, proses relokasi menjadi tanggung jawab disperindag Bagian pasar. Saran yang diberikan yaitu perlu diadakan forum kembali antara pelaku kebijakan dengan para pedagang, penambahan fasilitas pendukung, serta perlu adanya Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) dalam proses pembangunan atau relokasi pasar.
Kata kunci: implementasi, kebijakan, relokasi, pasar Semampir
Zoning traders in traditional markets is the government's way to make the market neater, not getting shabby, gross, didn't even cause congestion. Through the Regent of Probolinggo Regency Regulation No. 72 of 2018 local governments conducted zoning traders by relocated with the courtyard in the Semampir to the two-market floor building. This study aimed on analyzing the implementation of relocation policies in the courtyard market in the Semampir market. This was descriptive study with qualitative approach, the source of data were primary and secondary data with interactive model data analysis. Focus of research using policy implementation theories according to Jan Merse, namely information, the contents of the policy, public support, the division of potential. The finding of the research showed that the implementation of relocation policies of courtyard traders in the Semampir market did not succeed traders from being reluctant to occupy two-market floor buildings. In terms of policy information was good enough delivery of relocation information of courtyard traders to the second floor, carried out long before the relocate process. The content of the policy that regulates is appropriate is about management, development, and relocate the market. In terms of the support of the community is still lacking, traders argue with the second-story building, the difficulty of access to the second floor, the lack of support facilities such ass bathrooms, mosque, and the lack of buyer's interest in shopping on the second floor. Division of potential is in accordance with the process of relocate to the responsibility of disperindag parts of the market. The advice given is needed to be held back a forum between policy actors and traders, additional support facilities, and the need for the Procedure Operating Standards (SOP) in the development process or relocate market.
Keywords: implementation, policy, relocation, Semampir market