Hakim, Septian Rahman.
2023. Contribution of 21st Century Skills, Computer Competence and Entrepreneurial
Knowledge to Entrepreneurial Readiness of Vocational School Students in
Informatics Engineering Expertise Program in East Java. Dissertation,
Vocational Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State
University. Advisors: (I) Prof. Dr. Ekohariadi, M.Pd. and (II) Prof. Dr.
Suparji, M.Pd.
: 21st century skills,
computer competence, entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial readiness,
Information Engineering expertise program .
This study aims to
examine the increase in the contribution of students of SMK Informatics
Engineering Expertise Program in East Java, which includes (1) critical
thinking skills, (2) creative thinking skills, (3) communicative skills, (4)
collaborative skills, (5) computer competence, and (6) entrepreneurial
knowledge to entrepreneurial readiness in creative product and entrepreneurship
This research uses
quantitative research methods with the type of research using ex-postfacto. The
research design used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The first step in
conducting this research is to identify significant problems to be solved
through the ex-postfacto method. Next, limit and formulate the problem clearly
and determine the objectives and benefits of the research. Next, conduct a
literature study related to the research and determine the framework, research
questions and determine the research hypothesis. Next, design the research
method to be used including in this case determining the population, sample,
sampling techniques, determining data collection instruments, and analyzing
data. Finally, collect, organize, and analyze data using relevant statistical
There are seven
variables in this study, namely critical thinking ability, creative thinking
ability, communication ability, collaboration ability, computer competence,
entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial readiness. The results showed
that the contribution of critical thinking skills to entrepreneurial readiness
with t Statistic = 5.650 and pvalue = 0.000; the
contribution of creative thinking skills to entrepreneurial readiness with t Statistic = 1.392 and pvalue = 0.164; the
contribution of collaboration skills to entrepreneurial readiness with
TStatistic = 0. 337 and pvalue
=0.736; the contribution of communication skills to entrepreneurial readiness
with t Statistic =0.874 and pvalue =0.382; the
contribution of computer skills to entrepreneurial readiness with t Statistic =2.107 and pvalue =0.035; and the
contribution of entrepreneurial knowledge to entrepreneurial readiness with t Statistic =36.532 and pvalue=0.000;
Based on the results
of the study, it can be concluded that there are 3 contributions between
variables, namely critical thinking skills contribute to entrepreneurial
readiness; computer competence contributes to entrepreneurial readiness; and
entrepreneurial knowledge contributes to entrepreneurial readiness. While 3
contributions between variables, namely creative thinking skills do not
contribute to entrepreneurial readiness; communication skills do not contribute
to entrepreneurial readiness; and collaboration skills do not contribute to
entrepreneurial readiness. This is due to deficiencies in the instruments used
when collecting data because when the test was carried out the instruments used
were only eligible items while the unqualified items were not used so that the
completeness of the indicators was less than perfect. The unused instrument
should not be discarded but revised.