Analisis Kualitas Butir Soal Ulangan Akhir Semester Gasal Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Jepang Kelas X Bahasa SMA Negeri 1 Driyorejo Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019
Analysis Quality Items of Japanese Language Subject test Class X Language at Driyorejo 1 High School Academic Year 2018/2019
Suatu kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah penting untuk diikuti dengan evaluasi pembelajaran. Pada umumnya seorang guru melakukan evaluasi pembelajaran dengan tujuan untuk mengukur prestasi belajar siswa, akan tetapi tujuan evaluasi pembelajaran tidak hanya sebatas itu, evaluasi juga digunakan untuk mengukur seberapa besar keberhasilan guru dalam proses pembelajaran. Pada saat peneliti mewawancarai guru SMA Negeri 1 Driyorejo, guru tersebut tidak melakukan kegiatan menganalisis kualitas butir soal. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penelitian ini dilakukan agar guru dapat mengetahui kualitas butir soal tes sekolah berdasarkan validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran butir soal, daya pembeda, keefektifan pengecoh.
Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan kualitas butir soal yang diamati. Untuk perhitungan, peneliti menggunakan aplikasi IBM SPSS Statistics 26 dan Microsoft Excel 2020. Peneliti menganalisis data menurut aturan masing-masing item dan dideskripsikan sesuai hasil.
Hasil validitas butir soal bentuk pilihan ganda 8 butir (80%) dinyatakan valid, kemudian untuk uraian 13 butir (83%) dinyatakan valid. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diketahui bahwa validitas butir soal tes sangat baik. Reliabilitas item menunjukkan 0,70 untuk bentuk pilihan ganda, sehingga dikatakan reliabel.untuk soal uraian dikatakan reliabel karena nilainya 0,92. Hasil analisis tingkat kesulitan butir soal menunjukkan bahwa dari 10 soal pilihan ganda, 7 soal tergolong mudah (70%), dan 3 soal tergolong sedang (30%). Untuk bentuk uraian yang terdiri dari 15 soal, 9 soal tergolong mudah (60%) dan 6 soal tergolong sedang (40%). Hasil analisis daya pembeda, untuk bentuk pilihan ganda didapatkan hasil 8 soal dengan perbedaan daya baik (80%) dan 2 soal dengan perbedaan cukup (20%). Bentuk uraian memperoleh hasil 9 soal dengan perbedaan sangat baik (60%), 4 soal dengan perbedaan baik (27%), dan satu soal dengan perbedaan cukup (13%). Hasil efektifitas pengganggu, 2 soal memiliki efektivitas sangat baik (10%), 3 soal memiliki efektivitas baik (20%), 4 soal memiliki efektivitas cukup (40%) dan satu soal memiliki efektivitas yang buruk (10%).
Kata kunci: evaluasi pembelajaran, kualitas soal, soal tes
A teaching and learning activity in schools is important to be followed by a learning evaluation. In general, a teacher conducts a learning evaluation with the aim to measuring the achievement of a student, but the purpose of learning evaluation is not only limited to that, evaluation is also used to measure how much success the teacher has in the learning process. When researchers interviewed teachers of Driyorejo Public High School 1, the teacher never conducted activities to analyze the quality of the items. Based on that, this research was carried out so the teacher could find out the quality of the school test items based on the validity, reliability, difficulty level of items, difference power, effectiveness of distractor.
In this study, researcher used a descriptive quantitative approach. Which has the aim to analyzing and describing the quality of the observed test items. For calculations, the researcher used IBM SPSS Statistics 26 and Microsoft Excel 2020 application. The researcher analyzing data according to the rules of each item and described according to the results.
The result of validity is the items with multiple choice forms 8 items (80%) showed valid, then for essay form 13 items (83%) were showed valid. Based on that it is known that the validity of the test items is very good. The reliability of the items shows 0.70 for the multiple choice form, so it is known to be reliable because the score is 0.70. The essay forms are reliable because the score is 0.92. The results of the analysis of the difficulty level of the items showed that out of 10 multiple choice items, 7 items were classified as easy (70%), and 3 items were classified as moderate (30%). For essay form of 15 essay items, 9 items can be classified as easy (60%) and 6 items are classified as medium (40%). The results of the analysis of the difference power, for multiple choice forms got the results 8 items with good difference power (80%) and 2 items with sufficient difference (20%). The essay form got the results 9 items with very good differences (60%), 4 items with good difference (27%), and one items with sufficient difference (13%). The results of effectiveness of distractor, 2 items had very good effectiveness (10%), 3 items had a good effectiveness (20%), 4 items had sufficient effectiveness (40%) and one items had poor effectiveness (10 %).
Keywords: learning evaluation, quality items, items test